How to grow your instagram

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Focus on your obsession: Basically put more effort on what you enjoy doing. If you are into makeup, go for makeup tutorials. If you are into gaming the same goes for it. Put effort on what you like doing.

Post regularly: The more content you post the more people follow to keep up with you. You can post once a week or once in two weeks, be consistent.

Figure out your niche: Figure out what you are comfortable with. It can be you way of life, what you are obsessed with, food, photography, fitness, fashion E.T.C

Listen to your audience: Your audience matter a lot. The more audience, the more followers.

Ignore the hate comments: One of the biggest advice I have for people generally is to ignore negativity. The same goes for hate comments. I would advice you to delete hate comments so another person does not have the courage to come in and comment.

Be open to collaborations: This helps a lot because you get exposed to other people's audience, plus it's a great way for advertise your self.

Story: Even if you would post once in a week, upload to your story. This keeps your followers updated.

Be authentically you: Be yourself, you don't have to copy what other people are doing. Do what you want and how you want to do it is your business, after all it's your page.

Keep your religion in mind : If it's one thing I have advised a lot of people on is, Islam is a way of life, not just praying five times a day, fasting during Ramadan or even wearing the hijab. It's more than that, the way you speak, eat, drink, dress, even sit. Islam is a way of life and don't let social media be any different. If you want to post pictures of yourself please ensure you cover up fully, for every non mahram that sees and likes an uncovered picture if you, you get the sin.

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