See You Again-Part Two

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Whoooo, that was a long time. I didn't have any ideas at first, but then I watched this movie, and, well, let's just say I found my inspiration😈
Anthony's POV
I sat quietly next to Jasmine, holding her hand as I texted my sister.

Ever since the accident, everyone I-we know has been worried. I can understand why they'd worry about Jasmine, but what do they have to worry about me for?

I'm not the one in the hospital.

Once I convinced me sister that I don't need her to buy anything, I looked up at Jasmine.

She was hooked up to many machines, as you'd expect.

She didn't even look like she was fighting for her life. But you could tell she wasn't okay.

She was pale and her lips were chapped, looking slightly blue.

All of a sudden, I felt my phone vibrate. I groan softly, seeing that it was now my mom.

I was about to text her back when a nurse came in quietly.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry but you'll have to leave, visiting hours are almost up." She said politely.

"Oh, thank you." I said quietly gathering my things.

I slung my backpack strap over my shoulder, kissing Jazzy's head before walking out.

I sat in the waiting room, waiting for my Über.

I sighed as the light from my window shown through the glass.

I grabbed my phone, checking the time in the process.


I brushed my teeth and washed my face then headed to the kitchen.

As I was making my breakfast, my phone rang.

I picked it up, noticing it was the hospital.

I picked up, "Hello?" I asked.

"Are you Anthony Ramos?"


"Well, Jasmine woke up but-" I hung up the phone, running into my and Jazzy's shared room.

I put something on, casual but still not looking a hot mess.

"Jasmine's awake?" I asked, breathing heavily from running here.

"Yes but-"

"Thank you!" I said running to the elevator.

As I approached her room, o saw doctors out side her door.

"Is Jasmine..awake...?" I asked.

"Yes but, there's something you need to know first." One doctor said.

"Yes?" I asked, my excitement lowering and my worry growing.

"Well, the places she actually got shot are healing fine, but..."

I gulped, braising myself.

"She must've hit her head on the way here...because she has some brain trauma. Also, the night she was rushed in she had a seizure. That might be the cause..." She said more of a questioning way than telling me.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked.

"I'm saying that she's awake..." She looked at the male doctor next to her.

"She might not remember you." The doctor said.


"W-Well...can I s-still see her?" I asked.

I walked in her room, she was watching TV.

I approached her slowly.

"Hey Jas." I said softly.

"Oh, um, hey! You..." She said, turning her attention to me.

"Do you know why you're in here?" I asked.


"Do you remember where you are?"


"Do you...remember your name."


I sighed.

"Do you...remember who I am?" I asked hopefully.

"No..." She said, sounding sad.

I smiled at her sadly, sitting next to her.

I grabbed her hand, probably surprising her.

"That's long as you're alright."
This issssss, terrible😂

But u know what, at least I didn't leave ya hanging😂🤷🏽‍♀️😂


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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