Chapter 7 - Secrets and Lies

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"Less than one week left!" Zoey exclaimed, once they were safely inside the Host's Lounge!

"I know!" Sam squealed in delight.

Audrey smiled, but said nothing.

Angie licked her lips hungrily.

"What's up, Audrey?" Angie asked, mockingly. "Too lovesick to enjoy the Games?"

"No," Audrey said, her voice telling Angie to back off.

"Oh, but you are! Why don't you tell everyone here how you took that stupid Alex Liang as an apprentice in case he would be thrown into the Games! And how you give him a longer session than he should have. And how-"

"No, Angie, no-no that's not true!" Audrey tried to interrupt.

"And how that's against the rules."

"I-I don't know what you mean," Audrey tried again.

"Yes you do!" Zoey snapped. "Don't pretend! I have seen things, things I cannot believe!"

She held up a small, battered black diary.

"Is that mine? That was private!" Audrey exclaimed, taken aback.

"Just throw him in the Games," Sam suggested.

"Not a bad idea," Zoey said.

"Let's do it!" Angie rubbed her hands together wickedly.

Audrey snatched the diary from Zoey and stormed out of the room and up to the second floor.

"Huh," Zoey said, "I thought it was a joke.

"Same," Sam agreed.

"It wasn't." Angie mumbled. "Where did you get that silly notion?"

"Um, Zoey?" Sam tried.

"Um, Sam?" Zoey asked, simultaneously.

They both looked at each other like, Seriously?

"Anway..." Angie started.

"We should probably check the arena," Sam suggested.

"I was about to say that, but yes," Angie said.

The girls walked over to the couch area, and plopped down on different couches. They opened their laptops and began assessing Noah's work.

"Woah!" Zoey exclaimed.

Part of the arena was the most breathtaking place imaginable. It was like something out of a storybook. Sunlight sparkled through the leaves of the trees of the forest. The forest contained beautiful streams, luscious fruits, exquisite flowers, and exotic creatures. There was also a sunlit meadow with a river, and a footbridge crossing the river. There were also small ponds.

On the other side, there was a forest that looked post-apocalyptic. It was barren, with a stream filled with murky brown water. There were no fruits or flowers, or any signs of life in general. It looked to be a very deep forest.

Between the two, was a small hill. The Cornucopia lay atop the hill.

"Smart move," Angie commented.

"Definitely," Zoey agreed.

"Look at that," Sam pointed.

"It's a trap," Angie muttered, the true plan dawning on her.

"A clever one too," Sam said.


"Alex, I don't know how to break it to you. Y-you have a death sentence."

The Hunger Games StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora