The Agreement

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The meeting in the cave that was carved into the side of the cliff within the dragon sanctuary was an interesting one.

In the arms of the greatest creature alive, the Queen of the Sea. Lamara. She is as old as the formation of the sea. She was once a mermaid who fell in love with a human. Had a deal with an evil witch who would turn her into a human. But every step would be like stepping on glass. And the most troubling of all, is she was unable to speak for the witch stole her voice. Unfortunately, the prince fell in love with someone else. And as agreed, the mermaid turned into seafoam.

And that was thought to be the end of the story. The mermaid was instead given a gift by the sea. It gave her back her life, which gave her back the child that was nestled inside. For the mermaid had indeed loved the prince so much that the love was manifested one night.

The Queen loved her daughter and could deny her nothing. So when the girl fell in love with a human, she gave her the gift of humanity. On the clause that if she died, her ashes would be spread into the ocean. Where remnants of her daughter would live on.

Lindel was astonished that the great Queen of the Sea. The all powerful Lamara would hold a human child so carefully was a rare sight indeed.

"Lindel, I am here to off you an agreement."

"An agreement?"

Lamara smiles as the child stirs at the sound of his voice. Wide green eyes stare up at her as they glance around in wonder.

"Yes, an agreement. This child," she runs a hand through the girls curls, her eyes falling into slumber once again. "Has the most remnant. She's practically the reincarnation of my dear daughter."

Lindel watches the great Queens movements in awe. His blue cat eyes cast down to the slumbering little girl.

"What is it that you wish Lamara?"

Her eyes flash up to his. A glimmer of humor in their sea green depths.

"For you to train her in the art of magic." She simply puts as her hands once again runs through the young girls curls.

"You want me to be her teacher?" His voice shows his surprised. What can he possibly teach her that Lamara was unable to?

"Yes. I feel it best. I sense she has magic that is similar to yours."

Once again, he is shocked. His style of magic was considered unique. The only one he knew that has his style was only one.

"So when will this be?" Lindel asks.

Lamara let's out a forlorn sigh at that. "She is raised by a loving family who cares for her greatly. And as a mother, I understand the pain that is having your daughter gone. So we shall wait and ask her when she's older and of age."

Lindel watches the way the Queen stares down at the sleeping child. 

"And what if she says no?" He asks as he watches the Queen facial features sadden once again.

"Then she will continue to live on as a human."

"And if she says yes?"

"She will come to train with you and learn to become a magician." Her eyes sharp stare was back on him. A hidden message behind those sea green orbs.

"And what do I get out of this agreement?" Lindel finally asks.

The queen allows a sly smile to cross her face as she watches the cat-like man in front of her for a moment. Already reading the fate of this man as she watches him. Seeing the ties he will make in the future, and what they will mean. An ability she has that no ones knows, a gift of sight that allows her to see the future a person may have.

"Only that you will be rewarded with something you have never had before."

Lindel is confused by this proclamation. What could he possibly be missing? What reward will he receive that he has yet seen before?

Curious by the deal the Queen has made, he holds out his hand. The Queen smiles as she place her pearly white skin into his, shaking gently.

Looking back down to the slumbering girl in her arms. She sees her awaking once again. Helping the young girl to stand, her sea green eyes meet with the young girl's. Holding her small hands in her own.

"Alana, my sweet."

"Yes." Her voice comes out quiet. She is unsure where she was, and was afraid of where she was. Only vaguely recognizing the woman in front of her.

"This is Lindel. If you so choose to, this man will become the man to teach you magic." She calmly explains to the little girl. Waving a hand to the man who watches their interactions in curiosity.

Turning, her red curls sweep over her shoulder as she looks toward the man. Her wide green eyes capturing his attention immediately as he feels a wind blow through the cave. 


He nods in her direction, and her eyes widen in wonder. The winds begin to blow stronger, making everyone's hair float through the air. Before she can speak once again, the Queen places her hand on the girls cheek. Her eyes close in slumber once again.

The Queen picks up the girl once again into her arms. Looking down at the girl once, the Queen glances back up and observes Lindel's still surprised stance.

"She will be strong," the Queen murmurs as she moves back toward the rivers edge. Pausing, she turns to back to Lindel.

"I will see you again."

And with that, she left, taking the girl who already shows such powerful magic back to her family.




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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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