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It was a pretty normal day. After the almost fail of a birthday Harry had spent the night at my house, and had woken up as hungover as I'd never seen him. We'd spent a quiet day in in an attempt to make him recover enough to manage to go back to his house without anyone questioning what he'd been up to, and then he'd gone back home in the afternoon.

It was a quite freezing morning of Monday, and I was walking on the pavement, looking down not to accidentally trip over anything, my pace quick as I tried to get to my classes on time. I'd waited for Harry to pick me up for a little longer than I should've, and I was definitely risking to run late. I'd tried to call him, but the call had gone straight to voicemail, making me understand that he'd probably forgot to charge his phone, and that he probably still wasn't feeling well, and that was why he hadn't shown up.

I was about to cross the street when my phone suddenly rang, and I immediately stopped in my tracks, getting it out of my pocket a bit more eagerly than I should've, answering it without even looking at the caller ID. "Yeah?"


I furrowed my eyebrows instantly as I took in the voice that had spoken, a sudden wave of disappointment washing through me. "What do you want, Niall?"

He didn't waste time in replying. "Is Harry with you?" He asked, a hint of something in his voice.

"No, why?" I asked back, starting to feel a bit nervous for some reason.

Niall sighed. "We haven't seen him for almost two days and my mum is panicking."

I frowned. "We were together yesterday, he went home at around five" I said slowly, the nervousness in my chest suddenly seeming to have a real reason to exist.

"Well, he never arrived at home."

I felt something turn inside my chest as I registered the words, worry suddenly overcoming me. "What do we do?" I said quickly, trying my best not to panic at his words, immediately doing my best to shut down my mind, because I knew that if I hadn't it would've gone in overdrive, which wouldn't have been helpful in that moment. What did he mean with, he hadn't gone back home? If he hadn't, where was he? Had something happened to him? What if he was hurt?

"I tried to call Zayn but he blocked my number" Niall replied, and I nodded, knowing what I had to do.

"Text me his number, I'll call him" I told him, too worried about Harry to even care about the fact that Zayn probably wouldn't have enjoyed me calling him, considering that he disliked me a lot for some reason.

"Right now" he simply said before closing the call, leaving me with a confused stare on the side of the road.

Not even a minute after my phone rang with a new message, and I unlocked it quickly, discovering that Niall had indeed sent me Zayn's phone number. I quickly saved it and called it, nervously biting my lower lip as I waited for him to answer.

At last he picked up, and I could tell in the second he spoke into the phone that it wouldn't have been nearly as easy as I'd hoped. "If it's you Niall, I swear..." Even though he let the sentence drift away, it somehow didn't make it any less threatening.

"It's Sierra" I said, fearing the answer.

"Sierra? What the fuck?"

I sighed, not wanting to waste time making useless conversation. "Niall called me because he hasn't seen Harry in days, I haven't heard from him since yesterday afternoon and he couldn't contact you so he gave me your phone number" I explained quickly. "Is Harry with you?"

There were a few seconds of silence on the other side. "I haven't seen him since his birthday" he then said lowly. "Where is he?"

"I don't know" I replied, trying not to let panic overcome me, even though it was getting harder and harder by the second. "He's disappeared! What if something happened to him?" I said in the end, finally able to voice my concerns with someone that actually cared about him.

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