It Isn't Love

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        "Are you done already? That was pretty fast." Mr. Hermoso said as I walked up to him. "Are you sure your finished?" He held out his hand, thinking that I was going to pass in my paper.

        At that moment, I stabbed my teacher's hand. Mr. Hermoso was screaming and shouting in pain. Meanwhile, I was just standing there grinding, the knife in his palm.

        "Hahahahaha!" I laughed wickedly and took the knife from his hand. He quickly put the stabbed hand on his chest and looked up at me.

        "What has gotten into you?! Why are your doing this?" He cried out.

        "It's because I thirst for blood. I also seek revenge!!!" It wasn't me saying that, but the voice in my head. It finally came out. I jumped onto his desk and repeatedly started to stab him over and over, until you could see organs spewing out from his stomach.  "Hahahahaha! I love this feeling!" The voice in me already took over.

        Mr. Hermoso died, yet I kept on stabbing him.

        "Doesn't it feel good, Mary? To see the one you hate, suffer?" I grabbed my head and crouched. "This isn't what I want. This isn't what I want." I thought. I looked at my hands and realized, it already happened. There's no stopping it now... there's no stopping me now.

        I stood up and grabbed everything that might leave any evidence of what happened. Since it was late night an everyone has gone home, I didn't worry if I was going to be seen at school. I hurriedly walked down the dark corridors and out the main gate. The streets were poorly lightened, but it was dark enough that the blood on my uniform didn't show.

        On my way home, I saw a drunkard walking towards me. "Hey, pretty girl. Why don't you co-" I immediately stopped him from talking, by stabbing his stomach.

"I don't have time for your c***," I told him. Then I walked away from that guy. "Mmmmh. Killing out of boredom. I would like to see where this leads," the voice in my head said. I grinned in satisfactory and started walking faster. When I reached home, my mother opened the door. She had a worried look in her eyes.

        "What happened to you?! Why are you so bloody?" She asked. Instead of telling the truth, I just started  pretending like it wasn't my fault.

        "I-I saw Mr. Hermoso get killed. I tried to help stop the bleeding, bu-but he lossed too much blood. There was nothing I could do, so I ran home." Tears were falling down my face. I made it look like I was sad, but inside, to me, these were tears of joy.

        "It's okay, honey. I know you did your best to help," my mother hugged me, then quickly let go. "First things first, you have to take your uniform off, so I can wash it." I smiled and nodded my head. I felt safe at home. It's as if the voice went away.


        I woke up to the smell of my mother's cooking. She always was good at cooking. I got up and changed into my uniform. "Mary Rosario! You're gonna be late for school if you don't hurry up!" I looked at my watch and started to panic. Quickly, I ran down the stairs and passed my mother in the kitchen.

        "Are you not going to eat? That's too bad. This sandwich is so delicious. Mmmmh." She took a bite off the sandwich.

        "I gotta go." A short while after I left the room I poked my head back in. "That's just rude." I said to her with a frown. Then I ran out and to the school.

        Once I got out of the house, there was a sudden chill in my back. "Love, I hate it. It disgusts me," the voice was back. In the distance, I heard a girls's voice screaming.

        "Please help me! Someone help me!" she screamed and shouted. I went to the place where her voice was coming from. There were two students cornering her into an alley.

        I wanted to help her, so I jumped at one of the men. He struggled as I choked him. "Run, miss. I'll take care of this." She nodded and ran away. A few minutes later, I did the same and had the bullies chase me until I got to the gates of my school. I saw a teacher by the gates, then I started to scream.

        "Sir! Please help me! There are these bullies trying to hurt me!" As I was talking, the two boys came and halted abruptly behind the teacher. Sir turned around and scolded them. It took a little while, so I just went inside the school.


          When I arrived in front of the class, I walked in silently so that the substitute teacher cannot see me. Unfortunatly, he knew that I was late.

           "Ms. Rosario, why are you late?" He looked at me very disappointedly.

            "I ran into some bullies on the way to school, but I got away. Sorry, sir for my tardiness." The whole class laughed at me. I hated being laughed at, but it always happens, one way or another. Even the guy I have a crush on laughs. He may be kind, but he still laughs at me. Probably just to fit in.

             "Don't you hate him? You love him yet he always laughs at you. Are you sure you deserve this?" The voice... is it telling me to kill him?

             I thought, "No. I don't deserve to be treated like this."

             After class, I got up and asked Yuki if we could talk after school. He said yes. I couldn't take this anymore, I had to do something so that i can be more relieved.


             I met Yuki behind school. "What did you want to talk about?" Is what he asked.

             I went closer and closer to him. Behind my back, I was holding a knife I stole from the cafeteria. "Nothing really. I just wanted to tell you that I like you." At that moment, I quickly stabbed his chest and blood spilt out onto my knife.

             "I- If you like me w- why would you do this?" He hesitantly asked me.

             "It's because I'm sick and tired of being laughed at by someone I like. You don't know that feeling since you're the most popular guy in school, loved by everyone.

            He fell down and suddenly a large amount of weight felt like it was being carried off.  The knife disintegrated."What going on? Yuki? Yuki?! What happened to you?" I shook him. "Why don't I remember anything about this?"

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