What the heck is an Easter Bunny? (Easter Special)

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'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house. Not a creature was stirring, not even a- Wait a minute.... Wrong holiday. Let's try that again, shall we? 'Twas the night before Easter, yes, that's it.

'Twas the night before easter, when Kayla discovered something rather sad about the man she loved. The more she thought about it, the less surprising it was; it was actually kind of obvious. Honestly, when would he ever have had the chance? She had just discovered that Bucky Barnes had never actually celebrated Easter. Well, not the way we do now, anyway. So when he went to bed, wanting Kayla to come with but her giving the excuse of her insomnia, she sat and thought for a little while. It wasn't too long before she figured out exactly what to do, and after leaving a little note, just in case he came out again and panicked, saying she'd just gone out for a random craving of deep fried mars bars (which wasn't that uncommon, for her) she grabbed her purse and left.

Thank goodness New York seemed to be alive at all hours of the night, because the first grocery store she hit was open, and had everything she needed. She actually felt a little giddy at what she was about to do, because she was pulling it straight from her childhood. She hadn't ever been on this side of the traditions, but it was certainly bringing back nostalgia to be doing this.

She came back in with her bags not even an hour later, and when she checked, Bucky was sleeping soundly. Perfect. He used to have trouble sleeping, and usually was an extremely light sleeper, but the longer they went without incident, the more comfortable and at ease he got. She set to work quietly, a huge smile lighting up her face as she did so. Once it was done, she took a quick look around to check her handywork, placed the finishing touches in the bedroom, before climbing in to bed with an excitement she hadn't had since she was a child.


When Bucky woke up the next morning, he was surprised and slightly annoyed to find out it was by being shaken. That, and the excited voice of his lover above him. "Bucky! Bucky wake up, it's Easter!" She whispered, shaking him once more before he groaned and opened his eyes, rubbing them with a yawn.

"So? Why does that mean I have to wake up at..." He glanced over at the clock, eyes widening. "Six thirty.... On a Sunday morning..." He grumbled the last part, moving to get comfortable again when his covered got yanked off of him. "No you don't... C'mon, I think the Easter Bunny left something for you." She giggled, as one of his eye's opened and the matching brow raised in confusion.

"What the heck is an Easter Bunny?" He muttered, letting out a chuckle despite himself at how strange that sounded. Kayla rolled her eyes playfully, laying down propped up on one arm. "He's a magical rabbit that comes around to everyone's house and leaves chocolate for everybody. And the best part? He always leaves them in plastic colourful eggs.... That he hides around the house." She was beaming by now, and Bucky reluctantly sat up, knowing there was no hope of more sleep at the moment.

Bucky was quiet for a moment, before he actually started to softly giggle. "That is one fairytale I've yet to hear, Kay. Let me guess.... The Easter Rabbit want's me to go find said eggs?" He grinned, ever happy to play along with his girlfriends antics. Especially when she was so excited about it.

"The Easter Bunny, and yes, he does." She declared, before pulling on his arm. She used it to point in the sirection of the door, where a colourful woven basket with some kind of fake straw inside was waiting. And beside it, taped to the door, there was a note in loopy handwriting. He glanced over at her and she nodded, to which he rolled his eyes and shook his head with a grin. Stretching for a moment before standing, he walked over to the door, feeling foolish. She was right beside him, and after placing the handle of the basket in his hand, she un-stuck the letter from the door and handed it to him. "Read it out loud." She told him, unable to keep her smile at bay.

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