The Sheriff's Girl - Chapter 4

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The Sheriff’s Girl

 Chapter Four

"There is a town in Maine, where every storybook character you've ever known is trapped between two worlds, victims of a powerful curse that can only be broken by one person."

  It took a lot of patience from Emma not to strangle Jamie right there and then, suggesting sharing a bed with a man she didn’t know, the thought disgusted her. Considering she never made it into bed with Graham, Regina took that spot first, she would never get into bed with a stranger.

    “Would you quit hogging the covers? God!” Emma moaned as she pulled over what part of the quilt side that should have been hers, surrendering to Jamie from a night on the uncomfortable-looking couch for a soft bed with a stranger. Thinking back to their debate, things could have ended differently.

    “You should sleep with me, I won’t do anything to you.” Jamie pleaded.

    “Why should I? I’ve come here for help, not for sharing a bed with the twin of my dead friend.”

     “But that’s exactly why you should be here. You’re upset about my brother’s untimely death, so am I. You’re in need of some comfort and security and here I am.”

  Emma clearly appalled at his words, turned over, letting him have nearly all of the covers.

    “Aww c’mon now don’t be like that Emmy, I just mean you want someone with you that you know will be there for you and not try to get into your panties.”

  Flapping the cover over quickly, Emma sat up with eyes glaring down at Jamie. Still not amused at his ‘innocent’ little boy speech.

    “First of all, DO NOT call me Emmy again. Second, I know that is a load of total and utter bull crap, you want in my panties as much as any testosterone-deprived male. And thirdly, I’m only in bed with you because you have a crappy couch which frankly even a homeless person wouldn’t sleep on. So if you want me to sleep in the same bed as you, keep your tongue and your dick to yourself at all times. Thank you.”

   With that said, she laid back down and Jamie was stunned into silence at her sudden outburst. No female had stood up to him in such a way before, he would challenge her again, just not tonight when she was emitting hormonal word vomit.

  Remembering the scene, it put a nasty taste back in Emma’s mouth having to set this man with a bad case of emotional whiplash in his place. Jamie had since fallen asleep whilst she laid wide awake, daydreaming. Thankfully for her, he wasn’t a loud sleeper in that his snoring was down to the minimalist it could possibly get, close to feeling like she was sleeping with the dead. There was nothing to stop her sleeping but her own mind tossing around ideas, her imagination is the most dangerous weapon, thinking about all that could be happening back home.

  A little while later she was finally able to settle down enough to lay in a light sleep, Jamie beside her still as quiet as before, only this time he was more over on her side than his, clearly Emma’s warmth in her soul taking effect on him. For the rest of the night, the two slowly inched closer and closer to each other until a bus could not park in the space between.

    “Well hello sleeping beauty.” A butch voice spoke to Emma’s ear as the curtain of silent slumber slowly raised until the early Irish morning sun danced across the room, hitting her face softly.

  Emma slowly came to, the reality of her state upon waking up hitting her like a ton of bricks. Her right arm, draped over his middle. Her left arm, tucked up against the warm skin of her chest. Her head, gently resting on his chest. She had inched so close in the night she ended up sleeping half on him, half on the bed. Bolting up and scuttling back she sported the perfect surprised shock expression as Jamie chuckled, sitting up.

    “Oh c’mon don’t be like that, you liked it. I didn’t do a thing to get you like that, you wanted this. Clearly doing it as you slept must have told you that despite all the pheromones flying around hitting me yesterday, deep down you wanted me to hold you, hm?”

  All of Emma’s instincts told her to raise her hand and slap him so hard he wouldn’t remember his own name, but it took all of her patience much tested not to as she simply swallowed to speak.

    “Okay, I’m not going to give you the pleasure of seeing me all worked up for your own entertainment, instead I’m going to tell you what’s going to happen.”

  Jamie smirked, “Go ahead.”

    “I’m going to take you back to Storybrooke today so we can work out together just what’s going on and how come no one has heard of you especially since you are…” she exhaled, “…was Graham’s brother. You’re going to pack your stuff and if you even say one word out of line, one word even making me feel derogatory in any way, this fist will be in your face faster than you can say ‘Emma you’re one hell of a woman’, okay?”

  Holding up his hands, also resisting his own urge to smirk at her smart mouth, Jamie nodded. His face showed signs of strain, trying not to smirk was against how he usually reacted but one outburst from Emma a day was more than enough for the message to get through.

    “Yes ma’am. Received and understood, but first, how about some breakfast? Can’t travel on an empty stomach now can we?” he said, getting up and sauntering over out of the room heading to the kitchen, in nothing but his tight boxer-briefs and a smirk breaking onto his face earning a appalled yet shocked face from Emma.

  Never did it seem that when Emma thought she had the upper hand, that it was literally the case. In the short time that she has known Jamie, which in this case just so happened to be last night, he always managed to find a way to leave her blood on the brink of boiling. Crossing her arms, Emma tightened her mouth into the flattest line possible to avoid another explosion of words, thinking of a way to cope with this irritable yet alluring man.

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