#2 new home

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Chappie #2 yay

Ivan's POV:
It had been quite a few weeks of taking care of Yao, it was hard to manage him but I do it because I care about him, biting people and howling hasn't gotten better and I'm trying to stop him from eating until the throws up. I came I into the Habitat where he sat on the ground growling at the people who stared at him and hit on the glass. I went up to him "hey there" I said with a smile, he looked up at me "hey" he sat up and shook off "It looks like it's going to rain let's get you inside" I brought him inside and he sat on his mattress holding his stuffed wolf close "you love that little wolf don't you?" I said with a giggle "yes" I set him on my lap "well I love you" I said softly "I love you back!" He said with his tail wagging "ivan?" He asked "what is it?" He looked down "how long do I have left?" He asked "Yao...let's not bring up that subject" I sighed "b-but like...I don't want to die...you make everything better and I don't want to leave you" He said "I'm sorry I don't know how to help you" I said with my eyes becoming teary "all I can say is your time is coming to an end..." I said sadly. He looked down and sniffled "I don't want to" he cried, we sat in silence and an idea popped into my head "wait! Yao" he looked up at me "hm?" "Tonight I could sneak you home! You can live with me!" Yao's eyes lit up with excitement "really!?" "Yeah!" I smiled and kissed his cheek not caring that it was dirty.

That night I went into his room and he was asleep "hey boy, I'm taking you home" he yawned and sat up "Yay" I picked him up as well as his stuffed animal and blanket and carried him to my car, he was light as a feather so it wasn't hard. I laid him in the back seat with his stuff and buckled him up "when we get to my house I'll make you dinner and run you a nice warm bath." I aside with a smile driving home "that sounds nice". I got to my house and carried him inside "it smells so nice in here" Yao said looking around "yeah" he looked everywhere and jumped around happily "it's so big!" He was not used to seeing outside of his habitat. I went into the bathroom and turned on the bath, he walked in and looked "woah!" I chuckled and looked at him "what is that?" He pointed to the toilet "that's where you use the bathroom" he ran to the sink "what about this?" "That's a sink, you wash your hands there" he looked in the mirror and backed away "I-ivan..." "oh sweetie that's just your reflection" he tilted his head and walked closer "your cute aren't you"

I took his clawed hand and brought him close to the tub "Alright now take off your clothes" "Why?" "So I can clean you properly" he was only wearing a torn, old jacket and a small pair of shorts. He got naked and looked at his body "I haven't taken off these clothes in such a long time" I stared at his body, he was tan, skinny. I could see his ribs and his whole body was really beat up and bruised "get in the tub" he put his little foot in then put it back out "don't be scared" I said pushing him forward, he stepped in getting goose bumps. "See? It's nice" he sat in the water shivering a bit "there we go" I took a wash cloth and scrubbed his body, the water was already dirty. I took his hair out of the ponytail and washed it as well as his ears "that feels good" he said In a relaxed tone "good boy now turn around" he did so and I scrubbed his back and continued washing his hair, after I was done with his hair I washed his tail making it soft and fluffy again. When we were done he got up and I dried him off and brushed his hair "look at you, Your all squeaky clean. Brand new!" He smiled "I feel so good! I love this feeling!" He danced around happily. I was so happy to see him not so miserable "I'm glad!" I picked him up and held him close "do you want a haircut?" He looked in the mirror "no" "really? You don't want it short?" "No I think it's pretty like this!" I smiled and kissed his cheek "it is, now let's get you dressed" I brought him to my room and set him on the bed "it's so soft!" He laid down on it "Yeah compared to your old bed hm" I looked through my old clothes, everything was too big for him. I got him a shirt and some underwear that are too small for me. He put them on and smiled "so cute" he sat on the bed "I'll go make you dinner ok?" I patted his head and then went to the kitchen. I found some chicken and grilled it for him, he was part wolf I knew he'd like chicken. I made some for myself as well, "Yao! Dinner!" He came running out hungry as usual "here boy" I gave him the plate and sat down with in. He ate it quite quickly then licked his lips "thirsty?" He nodded and I got him cold water. He drank it up "thank you" "mhm, I'm only going to give you a small amount of food because I don't want you getting sick" "Aww ok..." "you don't need that much food" me and him went back to my room and sat on the bed "oh, Yao we should wash your blanket and stuffie" he held the stuffed wolf close, he was very attached to it. I took it from his grip and put the stuffie and blanket in the washer, he waited for it to be done "it won't take that long" I said scratching his now soft ear. He whined in response "ok so do you want to sleep on the couch or my bed?" I asked "bed"  I nodded "ok, do you want me to sleep with you?" "I ask "Yes." He replied, I smiled and pet him. He enjoyed having his ears pet but I haven't tried his tail, I moved my hand to his tail stroking it "h-hey!!" He yelped "oh did I hurt you?" "N-no just don't touch there without permission..." "got it" he had a blush on his face and I poked his cheek "cutie" he playfully nipped at my finger "feisty little one" he gently bit my hand growling "is this what the guys at the zoo were scared of?" I laughed to myself as I let him play. I heard the dryer stop and I went and got Yao's things.

I took the stuffed animal and blanket then brought it to him "thank you" he hugged them "Alright let's go to the bathroom then go to bed" I said to him "Okii" he went into the bathroom and I waited for him. He came out then jumped onto the bed ".good boy" I said with a smile "your a very good boy da" I scratched his ear and his tail wagged "ready for bed?" He nodded and I got in bed with him "comfortable?" "Yeah" I turned the light of and he held onto me tightly "sweet baby" I kissed h
his head and held his close. He fell asleep hugging me and his wolf plushie.

I woke up in the morning looking at the sleeping wolf boy "cute" I kissed his ear and sat up, he started waking up and yawned. "Good morning Yao" I said kissing his cheek "good morning..." he sounded tired, I got up and got in some day clothes, I noticed Yao staring at me "how did you sleep?" I said softly "good, I slept great" I smiled "good" he got out of bed and stretched "I'm going to not go to work for a while so I can take care of you, today I'm going out to buy you clothes" he nodded and I picked him up "how are you feeling?" I asked "I feel alright" he replied. I carried him to the kitchen and set him down "now what would he want to eat" I wondered. There was a jar of peanut butter on the table and he opened it and started eating it plain "you like that?" I laughed , "yes" he licked it off his hands and face "silly wolf" I took it from him "it's good on English muffin" I said putting 2 in the toaster "I don't know what that is" "you'll like it" he watched me closely as I did it, once they were done I put stuff on them and we ate breakfast, he really enjoyed it.

That's the end of this chapter hope you liked it uwu

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