16 1 0

I woke up to the sound of passing cars and the murmur of the waking city. I layed in bed staring at my ceiling trying to enjoy my last bit of peace. Today I would be joining the ever so infamous criminal group the Bl1nd L1nk. They are my last hope of finding safety in this fucked up a world full of hate and pain.
I got out of bed and grabbed the clothes at the end of my bed which I placed there the night before. All I wore was a black tee-shirt with the Umbrella Academy symbol on the back, dark blue jeans, and a grey hoodie over my shirt. I exited my rooms and went to my little kitchen. I grabbed a ceramic bowl from one of my cupboards, then I went to grab my Maple flavored Cheerios from off the top of my fridge.
Chirp, Chirp.
I look over to the noise and I saw Cloud Nine my white ferret. She stared at me with her innocent eyes, I also knew she was begging for a treat or food. I let out a small giggle, "Alright I'll get you your food, just let me get mine, okay?" I ask aloud to her. She chirps with excitement, I giggle then open the fridge to get milk.
After eating my breakfast I scrambled some eggs, mixed half of it with her dry food while I took the other half and ate it. I looked at the time on the stove, it said 10:34 am, it was about time to leave. I rushed over to the bathroom brushed by teeth and hair then fixed my hair into a low ponytail. I grabbed my black Jans Sport backpack, grabbed my hacker mask, my phone, keys, and notebook with a pencil already hanging from the side of it. I took a deep breath looked at the time again, it was 10:57 now, its time to go.
I made my way to my door but then heard a few chirps and squeaks. I turned to Cloud standing on my tiny green sofa. "You can't come with me today. Today isn't an explore day, it's a business day Cloud." I state as I keep my hand on the doorknob, her squeaks become loud and rushed. "Okay, calm down I'll be back by tonight." Squeaks! She stared at me with what looked like narrowed eyes, I gave in. "Fine, you can come," I say, she squeaks with excitement while jumping up and down a little. I hate leaving her alone so it ends up being an inevitable decision. I walk over to her and pick her up, I place her on my shoulder and pull my hoodie over my head hiding her in my hairs and in the darkness of my hood. I grab my skateboard and exit my small apartment.
I had been skating for about 30 minutes before I took out my phone to check the address to where I would be meeting the Bl1nd L1nk's leader. From the address, it looked like the abandoned amusement park. An odd place to meet but if I wanted to get in I had to go, no matter what. The good thing is I only have to go another few blocks then I'll be at my destination. After a few minutes, I'm met with old fences and railing, that are meant to keep people out but with ease I'm able to jump the fence to the other side. Before I go any further I grab my back-pack I put my skateboard in it while pulling out my mask, I zipped up my backpack with a quarter of my board sticking out. I put my mask on. My mask is my custom marks that show who I am without showing my identity. All hackers have them, some plain old V For Vendetta masks or custom made ones like mine. Some are made by professionals while others are made by the person themselves, which I made mine of my own resources. I made sure Cloud was ready to go in before I decided to walk further into the park. She gave a chirp to confirm she was ready, I nodded and started walking in. There was a building that said 'Arcade,' I record to check it out. I used my phone's flashlight, shined it on the door and turned the knob it was dark inside but there was a light at the end of the hall. I looked like they had some parts of this place up and running still, I give them kudos for being able to just give light to certain areas of the park. I took a deep breath and stepped in, only seconds later the lights in that hallway came on. I flinched at the action but forced my eyes down the hall. A man with a custom mask with a neon light that lite up his features and the smile on his mask, he was tall, lean, and seemed somewhat muscular through his long-sleeve shirt, he also wore black pants with holes in them. I walked at a normal pace down the hall to him.
"Welcome." He said bluntly.
"You must be the leader?" I questioned openly. He gave a slight nod.
"You must be wondering why I had asked you here of all places?" I shook my head in agreement. He is using a voice changer, I could tell. "It's simple really, but I'm afraid you might be too young to understand..." He wanted to say more but being me I cut him off.
"I understand why you want me here, it's as simple as you have said. You don't want me to know where your real HQ is so it doesn't jeopardize your establishment. This is your decoy base, a fake. You know the in's and out's of this place better than anyone, even the people who used to work here." I finish. I hear him scoff a little at my explanation.
"That was practically spot on, bravo my dear girl." He clapped, I knew this was more than just a meeting. I glanced around the room but didn't see anyone else, one thing was for sure I wasn't going to let my guard down.
"So why else did you want me here?" I ask, starting to tense up.
"That's for you to find out darling." heard footsteps behind me, I turned quickly to the movement and saw a person with a bat running toward me. I jumped away from the person before they could swing at me but then another person came out of nowhere toward me. I ran passed them missing their bat by mere centimeters. I raced back down the hall with different people coming at me left and right. I managed to get out of the building but I was still being chased, they kept hollaring things I didn't even pay much attention to. I ran to an old roller coaster and started running up the ramp. Luckily, I had enough stamina to get ahead of everyone else, there were four people coming up the ramp. I remember I had my board still in my backpack, I had two options: One use my board to roll down the rest of the ramp or Two use my board as a weapon, well whichever comes first, I guess.
Final decision time the first two people were already about 5 feet away. I decided, fuck it let's hit 'em. I swung my board at the closest person which they didn't expect, he stumbled back into the person behind them. Two down for now and two more to go. The guy in front of me swung his bat down I raised my board to block his hit which succesfully cracked his bat a little I kicked in his knee, he let out a loud cry as he crumbled to the ground. I was too caught up in his action that I didn't even see the other guy swing at me. He got me right in the side, I yelled as I too fell to the floor, I laid on my back trying to keep my breathing level. The guy kicked my board out of my grasp bent down playing his forearm on my chest while keeping one of my hands pinned.
"Good game, eh?" The guy asked me.
"Yeah, but only if the girl wins." I retort, I kneed him in the gut. He grunted in pain, his grip loosened and I punched him across the face leaving him in more pain beside me, I grab my board and roll down the ramp away from the guy and three other people. But when I reached the bottom there were at least 10 people waiting for me I tried to get out but two men grabbed me and throw me down. At this point, Cloud jumped out of my hoodie and hissed at everyone around me. Some people snickered at the sight but others stayed still and silent. I tried getting up but I felt a sharp pain in my back, I fought it as best I could but it was in vain.
"So are you sure you want to join us?" Their leader leaned over me, his mask still on.

Omg, that was hard to write! Well, I hope you'll like this because I feel like this is going to be loads of fun to write! So just so you know this is a story about my new o.c.(original character) her name will be revealed in the next chapter. But I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, goodnight!!

We Are Code OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora