Memory | Chapter 9

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Months pasted since Nana and Miya arrived in the Summer. The remnants of Fall were already to seep away as the trees were growing bare. The two Elves had finally found a place to call their residence after the many months they spent the small inn in which Harith paid for (Miya was already beginning to worry about the expenses...). But, the little stares, the awkward moments, and the stuttering all became common for the female Leonin. God, how much time she could spend staring at the boy's brownish-amber eyes. Every detail about him, his nose, the way he would run his hand through his hair constantly, his slightly long pale hair, and that sly grin he would give her every time he would catch her staring at him, would make Nana's entire body feel fuzzy with warmth. Every time it would happen, that same sensation of embarrassment yet excitement, her mind yearned more and more to tell him.

To tell him her admiration...

To tell him what effect he had on her...

To tell him how she felt...

Those feelings however refused to come out for the poor Leonin was too scared to even tell him. Diggie encouraged her so much, saying that it was obvious that Harith had like her too, but the Leonin was too shy. It's way too common for someone to be too embarrassed to even tell their crush their true feelings... right?

Nana groaned as her back suddenly flopped on the her bed again, Miya had been out somewhere, Chang'e was out of town, Angela was being upgraded, Diggie was working on his latest invention, and Harith was in some kind of important meeting. The Leonin didn't want to disturb quiet Cyclops in anyway, usually she'd seen him in the library fallen asleep on books on the star 'movements' and it's constellations, for he had been studying the lights of the night for a long time due to his large interest in Astrology. She also didn't want to disrupt Harley, who if she were to hangout with will end up fighting the other in return. She looked at the window that was on her left side, noting that it was a balcony she quickly stepped on the elevated portion and jumped up, landing her bare feet on the roof. The sunset had just begun painting the skies in yellows, oranges, reds, and pinks.

Nana sat on the roof, her hands holding her legs to her chest. The Leonin shivered a bit, causing little bumps to dwell on her skin. She calmly looked up to the sky, the Evening star shining brightly as it was the first to appear. Another breeze picked up through Nana's hair, causing some to get caught on her face. The Cat Elf let out a large sigh.


The Leonin looked to her side, there he was, standing in all his glory, Harith. Nana's face automatically grew twice as hot, contrasting the cold wind. Opposing her surprise, Harith's face was plastered with worry.

"I-I thought you had a meeting! What are you doing here?" The magenta haired female questioned.

"I should be asking you that... anyways I slipped out- it was very boring" Harith huffed, "But, still Winter is coming and you come out here in the cold with pajamas on!"

Nana grew silent, she went back to hugging her knees, but it was quickly stopped by an arm that wrapped around her neck. She found herself resting her head against Harith's chest as he held her closer, wanting to share warmth.

"You shouldn't be out here... you'll get sick.." He whispered into one of the Leonin's large ears.

"H-harith.." Nana responded burying her face into his chest. Their position lasted long, both of them clutching each other tightly. Nana played with the feathers that adorned Harith's brooch, her eyes remained closed as she hummed quietly. Harith was stroking the other's head, his eyes looking down on her protectively and sweetly, and from time to time his would give the back of her ears a little scratch. The wind blew by against the two, but instead of shivering this time, they both felt warm. The male brought his lips to the top of Nana's head, kissing her in the most subtle way possible. But this felt too familiar, too familiar.

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