Love Pains

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Love can give us giggles.

And it can give us pain.

I hope that this can influence you the way I have learned it to be.

LOVE was my friend. It was a way of knowing who I was. 

Until then, one day, my friends just abandoned me for the way of technology. 

They wanted more than me. They wanted more than being a free-spirited person. 

And, they broke my heart. 

Many times over. 

But, if this happens to you. You have to realize that they aren't as important as they think they are. 

if your friends diss you, just leave. And if they come back, running for forgiveness, 

you can try to do 2 things. 

1) You can try to figure out who they are and if they really want you back in their life.


2) You can just leave them to listen to their own thoughts. If they really wanted you, they would have realized it before they hurt you. 

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