Get to know me

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Hey guys! Sorry, my first chapter was so short! I chose the wrong time to start my story, It was so late and I was really tired from a busy 7.5-hour shift :'). Anyways I'm going to aim to make my chapters longer now! Hope you guys enjoy. 

Addisons p.o.v 

3:12 pm

After the moving truck came and dropped off Michaels furniture (because our house is quite large, Michael was able to bring a bit of furniture as his room is a decent size), we immediately started helping him unpack and set up his room. 

"Wooh! So much for a day off" I chuckle while putting down Michaels TV on the unit. 

"What? Today's your day off, and you're doing all this?" He expressed with genuine concern in his voice. He seems too nice to be a player.

"Oh no! it's fine, I actually love being productive, keeps my adrenaline going" I shot him a sincere smile so he didn't feel as bad. 

Michaels p.o.v 

Her smile did something to me... Her brother was downstairs grabbing the last of my things, and all I wanted to do right now was touch her, and not even in a sexual way. This is crazy. 

"Oh okay, well thank you for helping Addison, it is greatly appreciated" I spoke as I admired her beauty. 

"Alright! And that is the last of it! Thank you, Addy, as well  for helping me and Michael even though it is your day off" 

Man, she must work hard if she's doing us a favour on her day off. She's independent, that's so sexy. 

Addisons p.o.v

4:38 pm

"Alright, Lijah, have fun at the gym" He gave me a peck on the cheek and made his way out the door. I classed today as my workout, even though the gym sounds so good right now, my body is way too tired. 

Michael was setting up his room so I decided to strip from my clothes and put on some PJ shorts and a spaghetti strap body hugging singlet. I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen.

My phone starts ringing and I shoot my head to where it is. "Ella" appears on my screen. My best friend of like 12 years, I love her to bits! 

"Elllllaaa!" I answer in a sing-song tone.

"Addy! It's been 2 days of us not talking and I feel like I haven't seen you in a decade" 

She isn't wrong, we're always hip to hip. Especially after my ex left me in the dirt after 4 years nearly 5, we grew even closer. She wouldn't leave my side, that's when I really appreciated her, realised how much of a loyal friend she is. But she doesn't do the relationship thing, kinda like Michael. Now I see where Elijah is coming from. 

"I know! I know, but you wouldn't believe what happened today, it's like out of a fucking movie. Michael Jackson, moved in, with me, and Elijah!" 

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