chapter 1

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"Lucus get up," I hear my mom yell from my doorway as I groggily get up. I was only wearing a pair of boxers as it was way too hot last night to wearing anything else. I grab my phone and check the time quietly. 6:45. I groan heavily as I still have thirty minutes until I have to actually go to school.

"I'm up mom. I'm going to go take a shower," I tell her as my dyed blue and black hair falls into my eyes. I walk towards the bathroom, pushing passed my mom who was giving me worried look. I ignore her and just walk into the bathroom. I take a 15 minutes shower and groan again. I was sore, like extremely sore because of football practice yesterday. I look into the mirror and smirk. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I'm fucking hot. My hair makes my green eyes pop even more then usual. I wasn't extremely tall, I was only five-seven. I wasn't buff, but I also wasn't a noodle. I chuckle to myself and run my hand through my hair and finally get dressed.

I throw on a white tank top with a white hoodie. Then I threw on my black jeans and grab my book bag. I head downstairs and slip on my black sneakers before grabbing a muffin and heading out the door with my keys. This was my normal morning ritual. I never say bye to my family. I don't hate them, and they don't hate me. I just don't like talking to them.

I make it to school in about ten minutes and instantly see my friend Dillion. We go way back. I run over after I park my car.

"Hey bro!" dillion yells as we both smile. Me and dillion were the same in intelligence level, but I was better at math and he was better at ela. I cant spell worth crap.

"You going to the game Friday? I'm totally going to win." dillion says when smirking. I roll my eyes.

"No thanks, chess isnt that interesting." I never really liked the game as I saw it as boring and unimportant. Yes, it can be challenging, but I can read people like an open book. Not dillion though, he always left me guessing.

Dillion pouts and we go our separate ways to our classes.


I was now at home getting ready for bed. I know I skipped a lot, but school was boring.

I take off my shirt and grab an over sized black shirt. I throw it on and then take off my pants. I know this a girly outfit, but it is comfortable.

I climb into bed and fall into a peaceful sleep. That lasted three hours, it was now 1 in the morning and I get woken up by a crash and glass breaking. I shoot up and see a figure leaning against my wall panting.

I instantly grabbed my phone but the figure spoke, "Call the cops and I'll kill you and your family." causing me to drop my phone.

Well shit.....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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