Chapter Two

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After dinner Ren said his goodbyes and left us. I tried asking my parents what he was here for, but they replied with "Buisness." I would've believed them if it weren't for what Ren said to me before we ate. The whole dinner he was acting like nothing happened and he was innocent, was he really? No he wasn't, he was a creep that probably has killed before, well he probably never killed anyone before, I don't think anyone in this area would do that. My family and I would've already died most likely if people like Ren would kill.

"Mommy? Daddy?" The voice of my little sister broke away my thoughts. I see her come in the kitchen, my parents and I were cleaning up the kitchen from dinner. Seeing my little sister Fiona brought happiness to my heart. Her innocent heart. She had so much to live for.

"Yes honey?" Mom replies turning towards her. The bond our family had was amazing. Since we lived in such a small house, we just had a close relationship.

"Can I help you, daddy, and Benny clean up?" She asks. I smile at her and answer her for mom.

"How bout' you brush those beautiful teeth of yours and get a long nights sleep for us. That would help out a lot!" I smile kindly and she smiles and nods and runs towards the bathroom. My mom sighs and goes back to cleaning the dishes, as do I. I still could't get Ren off my mind. What did he mean when he said "you'll be so much safer once you're with me" I'm never going to be with him.

"Benny, what do you think about boys?" A voice breaks my thoughts once again. I look up at my mom who asked me the question.

"Um...I don't know. I mean I am one, so I guess I like being a boy." I shrug from the random question. She laughs and looks at dad who looks at me.

"Your mother means, do you like boys." My dad rolls his eyes like it was a ordinary question.

"Of course I like boys. I love Gavin, Aidan, and Trent." I start to get confused from the sudden questions. My mom and dad look at each other at the same time and nod like they practically practiced it.

"Would you marry a male?" My mother closes her eyes and doesn't dare to look at me from the question. My eyes practicality split open as I process her question.

"No! No way! I will only marry a girl! Boys can't marry boys! It doesn't work like that!" I laugh almost to myself. "Why the hell are you asking me these questions? I want the honest truth!" I state trying to look tough. My dad sighs and a I can tell he wants to look firm, but there is a hint of hurting in his eyes. What is going on with my parents?

"Ren was really over for business, honey." My mom rubs the temples of her head. "Your dad and I love you very much, but Ren made a deal with us, and we don't know what to say." A tear runs down her pale skin as he she flips her brown silky hair behind her. My dad on the other hand, put his hands in his blonde and a tint of grey hair, he's stressing out.

"D-deal? W-what do you mean?!" I raise my voice already seeing what was coming. Tears streaming from my face.

"Ren wants to marry you. He will give us 500k for you. I really don't want to say yes, but it's up to you. You will have such of a better life with him. He is rich and this money will really help out our family Benny." My dad sighs and kneels to my level. "It's your choice. He will come back on Saturday for your answer."

I don't know what to do but run. Run away. I can't think. "No!" I yell as I dash out the poor wooden door. I run as fast as I can, I can feel the pebbles of the hard ground stabbing into my feet, as of now I don't have shoes on.

"Benny!" I can hear the faint voice of my parents. Tears run down my face as the wind catches up to me. I fall to the ground out of breath. Crying uncontrollably as I hear the echo of birds chirping me fast to sleep.

- -

I wake up in the same house I have been living in for my 16 years of life. W-what? How did I get here? I was outside. I rub my head as I get off of the floor. I try to open the door to get out of the room, but it's locked. What the hell?

"Helloo? Someone open the door!" I pound on the door trying to get someone's attention. Surly if I keep pounding on the door someone is bound to hear me.

"Benny?" I hear the voice of Fiona.

"Fiona! Can you unlock the door for me?" I ask pleading for her to do so.

"Daddy told me not too, I don't want to get in trouble." The voice of Fiona's was unsure what to do. I know I could get her on my side.

"I'll give you a cookie! Surly daddy doesn't tell you where the secret stash is hidden!" I sing song it to make it sound like the best thing you could ever get.

"Wait. Really?" She asks with hope in her voice now. I bang on the door once more, hoping she will accept my words.

"I promise, open the door so I can show you!" I cheerfully say, that's not how I feel though.

"Okay!" She cheers and I can hear the door unlock. I quickly open and get ready to sprint so I can go run once more, this time my parents won't find me! I stop to see my dad right behind Fiona. Fiona has a cookie in her mouth with a smile. My dad crosses his arm and frowns at my actions.

"This was a test, to see if you would run away again!" My dad says firmly. He looks at me with concern in his eyes. I look down not wanting to look in those dark eyes of his. "Ran is coming over tomorrow for your answer." Dad changes the awkward subject. I look up not forgetting about that situation.

"Dad! There is something that Ren said to me that I think you should know." Dad looks into my eyes as I look in his. Deciding if I should tell my dad the truth about Ran I think back to that moment when he said "Once you're with me." Can he tell the future? No that's impossible Ben. Why does he give me that weird feeling, I don't even know him. I look down at Fiona and see her. She's just as important as all of my other siblings. They deserve a good life.

"Dad! I accept the deal!" I squint my eyes at my words. Dad's eyes got wide and big.

"You sure? You don't have to!" He says with a sad look in his eyes.

"No dad your wrong, I have too. I don't have a choice." His sad eyes come with hope. I smile and give him a great big hug.

- -

After I tell my family the news their faces grew sad, but just like my dad they have hope in their eyes. I love my family so much, I will miss them, but knowing their life's will be better I feel good about myself. I smile and of course Fiona, Gavin, and Rose didn't understand too well, but I told them I would be going away for a while. Tears filled my eyes while their confused faces stayed on their face. I was leaving them, something I could never forgive myself for. I would never love this Ren guy, he's taking me away from my family, my life.

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