Chapter five

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As Me and cato walk to class he grabs my hand.

I think he likes me.

But Katniss was telling me something.....

Oh well.

We arrive at homeroom.

We look for seats.

Sadly we can't sit near each other.

Cato sits three seats behind me beside this blonde girl.

She instantly flirts with him.

I don't know why but I get mad.

Wait no!

I'm not gonna make 'enemies'.

I sit next to a girl who has blonde hair as well.

"Hi" I say trying to be friendly.

"Ugh people these days!" She replies disgusted.

"Excuse me?" I say.

Cato is about to get up but I shoot him a look.

"You heard me" she says and looks at cato.

"Omg baby I haven't seen you all summer!" Says the blonde girl that was sitting next to me, who currently was attached to him.

"Okay first of all, I didn't want to see you during the summer, or even here, and second, could you please detach your fake nails from my arm?" Says Cato, glancing at me.

"There not fake!" She screeches.

A teacher stumbles in.

"Welcommme classssss" he slurs.

"Myyy name" he pauses to take a drink of his, flask? "issss mr. Abernathyyy"

"Hi mr. Abernathy" the class says I a monotone.

He guy next to me snickers.

I look over at him.

Something tells me he put WAY to much makeup on.

"Hello" he leans over to me and whispers.

"Hi" I say back.

"Well aren't you pretty." He said.

I blush.

I could feel the tension between Cato and this guy.

"What's your name?" He asks, breathing on my neck.

Okay that's a little weird.

"Um I'm clove" I say.

"Mmm well that's a pretty name" he said, flirting.

"What's your name?" I ask him.

"Gloss" he says smiling.


"Why?!?" Asked Cato when we got to lunch.

We had gym after.

I was so exited.

"He seemed nice" I reply.

"He was breathing on your neck!" He shouts. "And if you haven't noticed, he's not a cat that just casually breathes on your neck"

Luckily the cafeteria is really loud.

But the whole group looks at Cato.

It's like they don't need to say anything.

"Gloss" Cato says sighing.

"Wait, wait, wait ,wait hold up." Says Johanna.

"He was breathing on your neck?" She asks.

"Um yea.." I say, not wanting to look at them so I start picking at my salad.

"He's a player!" Says Annie.

"I mean Cato is too but you still like him" Katniss says really loud.

I grab a knife and slam it on the table near katnisses fingers.

"Shut. It" is all I say.

The whole cafeteria goes quiet.

Cato looks at me.

Did he hear her?

Oh no, please no.

Soon the vice principal comes running.


"Clove!" She says, wheezing from the 10 feet she had to run.

Wow how does she run 10 feet? *notice the sarcasm*

"Yes?" I asks trying to be polite.

"Do you know what kind of wood that is!?" She asked clears upset.

"Um oak?" I ask.

"ITS MAHOGANY!!!" She shouts, slams her hand on the table and leaves.

Our whole table starts laughing.

I see gloss look over at me and wink, and I feel Cato digging his eyes into my head.

This is not going to be good.

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