Closer Then Before - Part 1

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"Enid's dead. We're all dead," Ron said. "Look, my dad's gonna figure something out; he always does," Carl said, though he didn't believe it this time. "That's bullshit! Your dad's just gonna get more killed, because that what he does, 'cause he's a killer," Ron spat back at him, making Carl wince. "So was yours," Carl said back. "We need to figure this out," Carl whispered. "I'm dead. My mother's dead. My brother's dead," Ron said as he walked towards the door. "No they're aren't! We're gonna make it," Carl yelled. "Your dad. And you're dead, too," Ron pulled the key to the door of his pocket and locked the door, breaking the key in half taking it out. Ron reached into his other pocket to grab his gun when Carl slammed him up against the door, making Ron drop his gun. Ron tried to break out of Carl grip but it wasn't working. "Stop struggling! Just stop," finally, Ron stopped. Carl pushed his body against Ron's and kissed him. Ron froze for a moment than kissed Carl back. 


"Have you seen Carl? Or Ron?" Rick asked Jessie. "Last i seen them was earlier when Carl said he was gonna check on Ron. Ron had been in the garage," Jessie said. Rick wiped his head around when she said the last part. "Shit," Rick grabbed his ax and ran downstairs in a hurry. "Carl! Ron! You two okay?" Rick asked. "Yeah....Were fine. The key broke when Ron tried to unlock the door," Carl said. 

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