number 003

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"I know." He replied nonchalant, directing his attention back to the book he held


A beat of silence followed before I started to panic "WHAT?!"

"I knew from moment you broke down in front of Emma." He said while reading

Completely baffled, I sat there with my jaw wide open. "So you-" I pointed towards him my hand shaking slightly.


"You knew that-"

"Correct." He said, flipping the pages of the book he held.

"What.." I buried my face in my hands, well I guess hiding it was useless after all.. ugh and if I had told him earlier we could have worked more together..

"Then why'd you let Norman and Emma discover the truth?" I asked, slightly angry at his actions, who knows how they would take this? And what if they were discovered by the demons while they were out there like I had?

"If I told them myself they wouldn't believe me so I showed them." He replied, I sighed at this "You do realise they could have been caught right?" I asked him. "Well they weren't, plus Mama wouldn't sell them off or let the demons eat them." He replied, this made me confused, why would Mama let them off if she caught them? "It's because they're premium meat." ...premium meat? Ray who noticed my confused face "so you haven't worked it out yet?"

"...what do you mean?" I asked, Ray sighed "Why do you think we are being murdered and sold off to demons?" He asked and I thought about it, now that he mentions it I never once stopped to think about that "I figured it was slavery.." I pondered playing with my fluffy green hair. "It's because we're their food." I coughed choking on my saliva "F-food?!" I shouted suddenly feeling sick to my stomach, then.. at that time I was ate? I gulped "Then why are we sold at different times? Why do they bother giving us such good treatment?" I asked looking at Ray "To cultivate us."

"Cultivate?" I said confused he nodded in return "What they are interested in is the brain." He said tapping his head "I see..if that's so then that explains the tests." I said clenching my hands together it was uncomfortable thinking or even talking about such things. Ray nodded in return "Correct." He said "...what's your plan?" I asked "Escape with Norman and Emma." He said and I remained silent for a while "What about the other children?" I asked. Ray looked away "I'm leaving them of course, it'd be too dangerous and complicated to escape with that many kids. There's no way we'd make it." My face scrunched up in anger

"That's absurd." I said "You can't leave them behind it's too cruel!" I shouted "Keep your voice down Adel." Ray said emotionless "And it's not absurd, what's absurd is trying to escape with everyone. Especially with Mama around and who knows what's on the outside of this wall? It could be roaming with demons for all we know. There might not even be any humans out there." I knew he was somewhat right, but I didn't want to admit it. I'd never wish to leave my siblings here to die, never. I stood up abruptly "You're wrong Ray." I said turning around "I won't let them die, I'm positive we can all survive if we push through, they're smart kids. They can do amazing things if you give them a push" I said. "I'm going to save them, with or without your help." Walking away I made my way upstairs and headed to my bed. It was time I got some sleep after all that information I took in.

My finger traced against the number engraved on my neck '24194' for my whole life I've had this stuck to my neck, in a way this number somehow feels like a collar to me, it's a firm reminder that I'm cattle in this world. I was raised as nothing but food.. I sighed as my hands leaned against the sink. What should I do from now on? Ray doesn't seem to feel like working with me, it seems like he's putting Emma and Norman first. Well, I suppose he won't make a exception for me just because of what happened back then. Haha.. Ray really can be mean. I won't give up though! I'm gonna save everyone.

- when I first created this I made a lot of mistakes so imma fix it, uhh so basically before Izuku was weak and depended on Emma to save them and he's not at all weak in the anime so I'll be fixing that 👌

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