Acquainted with my Administrator

426 11 5

Sweeping the dust off the floor of the vast basement I began to think of my parents and how much I missed them, although I get to talk to them every night:
"I'm jealous of the rain
That falls upon your skin
It's closer than my hands have been
I'm jealous of the rain
I'm jealous of the wind
That ripples through your clothes
It's closer than your shadow
Oh, I'm jealous of the wind"
My voice began to echo through the basement and swivel up through the ventilation system.
" 'Cause I wished you the best of
All this world could give
And I told you when you left me
There's nothing to forgive
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
Heartbreak and mise-"
I closed my mouth hearing the doors to the basement being opened cautiously, "Well hello M/N" I whip my head around only to be met face-to-chest with Andrew, he placed his hand in my hair and ruffled the unkempt H/C strands of my hair. Looking up at him my eyes glittered with innocence he put his hand under my chin and asked "Who were you dedicating that song to?" I looked down at the floor "My eyes are up here" he said as he gently lifted my chin again I felt heat rush up to my cheeks I looked at him, him being four years my senior, and said "no one really , I just like when my voice begins to float, especially with the acoustics in here". Smirking at my innocence Andrew asked me "will you be joining me for brunch", "I would like to respectfully decline your gracious offer, I already had breakfast with the maids, and they were kind enough to make my room even." Andrew seemed perplexed by my rejection I quickly went back to sweeping and singing, but I began singing a descant from the introduction of into the woods:
Mother said be good,
Father said be nice,
That was always their advice.
So be nice, Cinderella,
Good, Cinderella,
Nice good good nice-
What's the good of being good
If everyone is blind
Always leaving you behind?
Never mind, Cinderella,
Kind Cinderella-
Nice good nice kind good nice-

~Time skip~

I completed the basement and every bathroom. This day a party was being held to commemorate Andrew Hanbridge's accomplishments on becoming the valedictorian at his present school. I leapt into my room into my closet, I moved my ottoman and stepped on a hidden button only for my light to split in half and my elevator to come down slowly. Walking into the elevator I pushed the top button and my elevator slowly began to climb. Reaching the top floor, I observed my laboratory and I began to pick up my wand and attempt a new spell I'd been working on hebinsaz lakurnish, shortly after I recited the spell I sprouted bat wings and a tail, "ugh, this is just like Metamorphie Facisse, just incomplete" I began my erasure spell "helicun latesh" the effects began to quickly fade away. It was slowly becoming night time and with the time change came guests I exited my room through a set of spiraling stairs that led to the rear of my shoes.

M/N's closet:

•••M/N's elevator:

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M/N's elevator:

•••M/N's elevator:

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