MMILA chapter 1

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       Harry glances over at the lock on the nightstand, and reads that it's 3:57am. Louis starts kicking again, making small noises that sound like panicked cries for help. Harry rolls over and hugs him from behind, whispering in his ear.

"It's okay, Lou. You're safe. I'm here. I'm right here."

Louis keeps tossing and turning, not waking up. Harry kisses him with his soft, tired lips, trying to wake him up peacefully. Louis' eyes shoot open, looking deep into Harry's closed eyes. He immediately relaxes, seeing how peaceful Harry looks when he's tired.

"You alright, Love?" Harry asks, pulling Louis into the crook of his neck.

"The nightmares, Harry. They're every night." 

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'm not sure, they're different every time."

Louis says, cuddling up to Harry. Louis' recurring dreams from the night he and Jackie had killed Sam were haunting him until he wakes up, normally crying and sweating onto his pillow. Luckily tonight, though, Harry wakes him up before he really starts having his nightmares.

"Do you regret doing it?" harry asks, trying to keep his voice calm.

"I mean... It saved Jackie and I. If I hadn't, he would've... he would've..."

Louis starts crying at the though of what Sam was going to do with Jackie. He knew he would have made him watch. Not only was he gay, but he couldn't bare to watch someone be forced into giving up their bodies without their consent, and then dying slowely because of it. The thought made him cry even harder.

"Shh... You're safe. You're with me. No one is threatening you. Jackie is safe. Sam is not going to harass her anymore."

"But Harry, What if-"

'Louis, we talked about this. No 'what if'. It's just going to make it even worse. What happened, happened. Neither of you got hurt, you escaped, and you ended the problem for good. Just leave it there." Harry says in a soft voice, stroking Louis' hair.

Louis still rests in the crook of Harry's neck, who is gently rocking him back and forth. He does this until Louis is asleep again, then falls back to sleep himself.

 They wake up, at a proper time, this time. Harry's phone alarm goes off, echoing throughout the room. He tiredly reaches over to turn it off, then turns right back around to cuddle up next to Louis, who obviously didn't hear the alarm.

"Lou..." he whispers in his hear.

"Hmm...?" Louis grunts, not too happy about waking up.

"Lets go cook breakfast together."

"What would we be having?" Louis tests.

"Chocolate chip pancakes sound good to you?"

Louis' eyes shoot open once again. He whips the sheets off of himself, and grabs the first pair of sweatpants he sees off the ground, then scrambles into a jumper. Harry smiles and laughs a little at how excited Louis is about his pancakes.

"Will you make them for me? And will you not follow the recipe? I like it when you put your own twist on things. Will you melt chocolate chips on half the pancakes and then put chocolate chips inside the rest of them? I can't decide which one I want, so why not have both? What are you doing still in bed? Get up, lets go! I want my pancakes!" Louis chatters away excitedly at Harry, who hasn't got the slightest idea how to get out of Louis' firm grip. Louis had jumped onto the bed, pinning Harry down and grilling him with requests about how he wants his pancakes.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 27, 2014 ⏰

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