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"Y/n" Steve yells from downstairs, "you are going to be late for school", I groan and sit up, I have been going to Hawkins Middle School for a little now, I would never change that for the world because my best friends go there. I'm one of the members in our party, I'm so glad to have, Lucas, Dustin, Mike, Will and Eleven as my best friends. They all know my secret and Elevens, we are practically sisters. I moved here just before Will Byers went missing, Steve is happy I'm back, before I was living with my Father in California but I don't like talking about that very much because he was never home and always out with friends so I was always home alone and never got to see him. Don't get me wrong, I love my father but he never really cared about me when he was out, so I moved here with My Brother and Mother.

I eventually get out of bed and head to my bathroom connected to my room, a lot of people call me the rich kid of the school but I don't really think about it. I get changed into some Denim ripped jeans and a cropped white hoodie. I brush my hair and leave it down then head down stairs. Steve hands me my bag and tells me to hurry before I'm late, he takes his car to high school, while I rode my skateboard to Middle School. He always offers to give me a ride but I always refuse, I usually always meet up with the boys on my way to school. I wish Eleven was here, we are really close and I miss her so much. I still get to see her because I'm the only one that knows that she is with Hopper, the boys don't know and I'm not aloud to tell them. It would be so much better if she was coming to school with me and the boys, plus Mike really misses her.

When I arrived at school the boys were there, Will immediately came over and hugged me, to be honest I have a crush on him but I'm to scared to say anything. Mike, Dustin and Lucas then came over and said hello, and of course Dustin and Lucas started teasing us about Will hugging me...

"Awh Will hugging your girl after not seeing her for a day" Lucas teased

"Yeah we literally hung out on Saturday" Dustin says

Will and I just blush and start walking into school, they eventually follow.

~Time Skip to the end of school~

Will, Dustin, Lucas, Mike and I are all walking out of the school doors, suddenly a high schooler comes over to us, he starts picking on us and calling us 'maggots' and 'chickens' etc.
he then comes over to me and picks me up by the shirt, "ahaha look at this little maggot, she's probably one of those weird Russian Girls taking over the country" one says with a smirk, "Leave her alone" Will yells, "aww look her little boyfriend is going to stand up for her" the other one says. One of them goes over to grab Will but someone starts yelling at them, "Oi you little Shits leave them alone"

I turn my head to see Steve, I laugh and then look at them, "yeah and what are you going to do about it Harrington" One says, "y/n you know what to do" Steve says and I nod. I put my hand up a little and start to close it, suddenly both of them starts to let go of us because of the force I'm using to put on them to let us go. They stand there shocked and amazed, "just wait you little-" one goes to stay but I lost both of them with my 'powers'. "Now I would run before my fist hits your face" Steve says and they stand there shocked. "No one fucks with a Harrington" I say and they run off. I wipe the blood from my nose and smile.

After that I check if everyone's ok and they ask me as well, Will comes over and makes sure I'm ok and I laugh and tel him I'm fine. I then head into the car with Steve while the others bike home. "That was the first time you actually let me use my powers out in public like that" I say and turn to him, "well I just thought they needed a lesson, but be careful because I don't want people to know about you ok" he says and I nod.

We finally get home and I decide to head to my room, I think over about my powers and how mine and elevens are very similar except I can also heal and take life in just a flick of a wrist. I don't use that power often because it drains me a lot, but I guess I have it.


I head to be thinking about today and how tomorrow should be even better because we all decided to go to the Arcade

An: ok so this one was just the chapter before they go to the arcade. Next chapter will be a lot like the episodes from the show just with you in it and some twists so stay tuned. This was just kinda like the intro to the story :)
(sorry for any spelling mistakes)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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