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I was just walking.....moving without a real destination. You know, that one kind of dazed, numb walk you do after some tragic event happens. Well, it seemed like my life was one big tragic event. It just so happens that my stepfather died a day ago. Right in front of me. Heart attack....it was an awful thing to witness, but I guess the real world before even his death was awful. Being age 17 I was considered an adult only because my birthday was a month away....so the orphanage close to where we lived said I could go ahead and live on my own. I was slightly appreciative of that, seeing as how I never played well with others. Not only that, but solitude is the best medicine for depression....

Said no one ever.

My name is Sky. I'm actually not Japanese...kind of....I'm half American. A half-American girl who has moved with her stepfather all over creation. I know about 14 different languages, and I'm able to translate 5 ancient ones. I'm probably about the weirdest person you will ever meet. When I said my life was tragic, I meant it. You see....my mother died when I was 6, and that left me with my bio father. It's not like he beat me, or anything overly dramatic like that. In actuality, my biological father just dispossessed of me in a foster home and legally signed me away at age 7, when the guy who's funeral I had just finished wanted to adopt me.

I only have my biological father's last name and that's it. I have no clue what he looks like. My memory is very foggy when it comes to things like that. It's....kind of the same with my mother. I don't really know a lot about her either. Well, my father I know some about. Or, just what I can assume. His last name is Japanese, so I guess he was Japanese. My mom's last name was American, and my stepfather had an American one as well. My last name is Urahara, which is definitely Japanese. I guess that doesn't make me full on American, does it? That's fine. Americans are so....rude. Considering I was raised there partially I guess that means I'm rude, too. Whatever.

The story of Sky Urahara. A strange name, which was fitting for a strange girl, who's had a strange life. Everything about me is strange. My personality. My hobbies. My lineage apparently, since I'm half Japanese and half American. Being strange is normal. Normal is weird, and no one likes normal. But who likes strange? Weird would be ok. What am I even talking about anymore?

I looked hard at the ground as I walked down the sidewalk. After about a minute of watching pavement pass, it started to rain. Gently at first, but eventually it began pouring. Great. Now I'm even more depressed. The rain just added to the feeling of depression weighing down on my heart, which was more than normal but I guess that's easy to understand. I walked, it rained....my heart throbbed in sadness. I looked up and stopped, my eyes wheeling around. The rain was hitting the ground hard and splashing up in a mist, creating large puddles that reflected wavy features of the park around me. At least I think it was a park. Fog began to float around, creating an even more confusing situation for me. Where am I? What town? What street? What park? My thoughts were in a huge jumble. I walked myself to a nearby bench, my clothes weighing me down with the accumulation of water, and plopped down, slowly bringing my knees up to my chest. I sat still for a minute.

Kazuhiro....the name of my stepfather, the man who had just died. While he was Japanese, he was also English. Which resulted in his other name, Jared. Jared Kazuhiro. His name stung to remember. I mean, he may not have been blood related, but family doesn't begin nor end in blood. A huge roar sounded near me, jerking my attention from my thoughts to the rainy park I was in. I jerked my head towards the sound, fear etching itself into my face, mixed with confusion.

"Huh?"I muttered, swiveling my eyes around, blinking through the foggy, cold rain. I noticed a foggy figure, too large to be human, near me. I launched off the bench, tripping and falling back on my ass into a puddle in front of the bench. The rain pounded and splashed off the inhumane/monster thing, that was standing just beside the bench, rearing it's ugly head. I blinked and rubbed my eyes, thinking I was only imagining it. I shivered, the chill of the rain and this weird creature getting to me.

Beautiful Bleach: A Bleach Fan fiction(Ulquiorra Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now