Chapter 1

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Ella's POV:

"You're gunna miss the bus if you don't hurry El!" my mother calls from the living room.

I just finish my make up and head down the stairs when she called.

"I'm right here" I say when I get to the bottom of the stairs.

"You don't want to have a bad first impression for your new school now do you?" she states while pushing me out the door.

"Bye mom" I call while rolling my eyes and stepping onto the school bus.


I get off the bus and walk into the crowded hallways. I walk into the main office and they tell my my classes and give me my locker number and send me off.

I grab my stuff for my first period, geometry, and I am slammed against the lockers causing me to loose my breath.

"Get off me" I say while trying to push my attacker off of me.

I'm slammed back against the lockers once more and my arm is bent behind my back and they are pulling my hair.

"Look boys, we got a fighter" someone says.

"She'll learn to be a good girl once we are done with her" another boy says.

"Let me go" I say while pushing back against them hole slamming my foot back and kicking their knee.

The boy shrieks and let's me go.

"You fucker" on other one says.

I'm slammed back against the lockers again but there is a hand wrapped around my neck cutting off any air way.

A boy with red hair is choking me while a boy with brown floppy hair tied back with a bandana is helping the other boy off the ground that I kicked. He has blond hair and a lip ring.

The fourth boy is in front of me and punches me in the gut. No air comes out because I'm being choked.

I claw at the re haired boys hands to get them off my neck but it's no use.

"Let me have her Michael" the blond hair boy says.

The red haired boy who's name I guess in Michael let's go of my neck and I fall to the ground gasping for air.

I dot get time to catch my breath before the blond haired boy pulls me up by my hair.

"What's your name?" he spits.

I don't respond I just glare at him. He punches me in the gut before asking me again.

"What's your name?" he yells in my ear.

I wince before opening my mouth to speak.

"Ella" I say in a whisper.

"What?" he yells at me.

"Ella!" I shout back at him.

He slammed me against the locker and brings me wrists behind my back and twists them causing me to yelp in pain.

"Don't you dare fucking yell at me" he yells into my ear.

I gulp and close my eyes before I'm pushed to the ground. They stand around me and kick my side with such force I can't move my legs.

"I think she learned her lesson Luke" the black haired boy says.

I am kicked in the side much harder before they laugh and walk down the hall.

I lay there for about 20 minutes before gathering my books and heading to my first class. Luckily they weren't in there and the teacher looks at me with worried eyes as I enter the classroom.

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