Meeting Your Parents

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Meeting your parents was...eventful. He couldn't help but be nervous, how could he not be? He's meeting the parents of his beloved girlfriend! Arriving at their place, he was sweating almost profusely and freaking out about what he's going to say. Your mother adored him, for obvious reasons and he felt a small bit of relief at having at least 50% of your family's acceptance. Your father, however, was a different story. He liked the fact that he was rich but otherwise, he's not that big a fan of him


He'd never admit it, but he was rather nervous about meeting them. He kept the classic blank stare when arriving and, much like Tamaki, easily won over your mother. Your father was a bit tougher to win but by the end of the night, he, like your mother, adored him


He honestly was pretty indifferent. He loves you but meeting your parents felt more like a technicality. Your parents were both kinda put-off by his quiet demeanor, but after watching him closely, they could finally see the love his eyes held for you and accepted him into your small family


He was excited. He was meeting the parents of the girl he loved! Your mother found him cute and so did your father, but neither of them really liked him. They found him to be too childish for you


He said he didn't care, but deep down he was losing it. Despite his nerves, however, he met them and in all honesty, your parents fucking love him. They thought he was perfect for you


Much like his brother, he was nervous, however, unlike his brother, he was more open about his nervousness. Once more, like Hikaru, your parents loved him. They loved how absolutely sweet and gentlemanly he was towards you and them

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