Part 2

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Y/n's pov
As we wait in the giant arena for Shawn to walk out my mind races with so many questions .. what was that all about ? Why did he look at me like that ? WAS HE EVEN LOOKING AT ME? i started on to the stage in complete confusion after all that had happened .. suddenly the lights went down and the room filled with screams 5x louder than before , it dawned on me that he was about to come on stage and I froze once again .. I'm even closer to him this time . A small smile spread on my face and I looked up to see a tall figure standing on the stage . I was so busy drowning in my thoughts that I had cut out the overwhelming noises , I came back to reality and listened to Shawn singing . He was so amazing and looked asif he was a wax figure . During "like to be you"Shawn came and sat right Infront of me ... he held my gaze the whole time . Oh my god . What was happening ? As soon as he let me drop my eyes he ran off stage to the stage in the middle ....

Shawns pov

As I got on stage .. I saw her , I couldn't believe my luck  , that very same girl was standing right in front of me . God she was gorgeous. When I sang "like to be you" I decided to sit Infront of her and just look into her eyes .. this time she didn't look down , her eyes were so beautiful , as I sang I thought of an idea .. so after I ran of the stage I asked Andrew to write my number down on a slip of paper whilst I changed my guitar over ..

As I ran back onto the stage .. it was the final song . I sang with all my effort occasionally looking down at her every few seconds to make sure she was enjoying it .. and as I ran down to the crowd , I wrapped my hand in hers leaving behind that small slip of paper , I really hoped she would text me and then I disappeared behind stage ...

Y/N's pov
As he ran up to me my heart beat a hundred miles an hour .. without even thinking he just grabbed my hand and smiled at me for a few seconds before running away .. leaving a small slip of paper in my hands .. oh my god! I thought as I looked down . Did Shawn Mendes really just give me his number ?!?

As the concert finished I looked down at my phone to type the number in .. 11:34pm. .. "OH NO I missed the last train" I yelped in horror .. it was so scary at this time and I didn't know what I would do . So I walked around the town for a small time before sitting down with my head in my hands . I was exhausted , not to mention terrified and cold , I slowly broke down in the middle of the empty street .. when I heard a booming voice .

"Hey pretty girl what are you doing out here" I looked up to see a man walking towards me . He was clearly drunk . And I was alone . His perfect target . I stood up and walked backwards slowly hitting into something hard on my way . Oh no . Another one . "Your going no where lovley" . I felt sick I ran down an alleyway whilst typing a message out to Shawn all of a sudden ... I was stuck

Shawns pov:

I was sat outside of the hotel on a bench . God what was wrong with me .. my knees were weak just thinking about her .. when all of a sudden I could hear screaming ... It was probably just some girls who got to drunk , I ignored it and went back to thinking about this mysterious girl .. when all of a sudden I got a text , I jumped at the phone but I wasn't expecting this .. my phone lit up and the only message that had come through was "help" . Oh god .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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