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When I woke up this morning I immediately groaned never wanting to get out of bed. I wanted today to already end.

It's not that I didn't want Forrest to meet my family, it's that I didn't want my family to pick him apart and interrogate him till he left.

This is probably the second guy I've brought home to meet my strange family and I'm honestly nervous.

It was Alex first and now Forrest.

But I mean, I met this amazing guy out of losing a old one, I mean ... he's amazing. I really hope my parents like him also.

I climbed out of bed and went straight to my bathroom to get ready. I put on makeup, did my hair, and put on a semi-nice outfit.

Just the typical ripped jeans and a top that I usually wear.

Once I was ready it was only about ten in the morning so I went down the stairs to see my parents in the kitchen cooking. "Morning," I say taking a seat at the island table.

"Morning sweetie! Are you excited?" My mom asked, with her back facing me.

I shrug, even though she could not see me, "I guess. Please just don't scare him away."

"I would never!" My mom defended herself.

My dad cut in, "Well we did kind of run off Alex."

I laughed, "Yeah." I then get curious and stand by my mom at the stove, "What are you cooking?"

"Well your dad is going to grill burgers and I am cooking fries, beans, and whatever my southern heart desires." She is your typical southern city girl who came to New York to get away from her family.

I basically moan at the mention of food. "Okay, well he will be here pretty soon, do you need help?"

They both shake their heads, "No. You just keep your anxiety level to a low. I promise it will be okay," my mom assures me.

I kiss her cheek before running up to my brother's room and knock on the door, "C?"

"Yeah, come in," he shouts.

I enter the room and him and Ivy are cuddled up watching a show on his television. I smile at them, gosh they were so cute together. I sit on the edge of his bed and groan into my hands, "You aren't going to interrogate him, correct?"

He laughs and Ivy chuckles as well, "I'll do whatever I feel is best. If I don't like him I may question him a bit, but I'll treat him as a brother."

I sigh, "Fine, please be good." I turn to Ivy, "Please control him."

I mean they met at the dance last week briefly, but he couldn't really catch a vibe off of him.

She laughs, "I'll try."

The sound of a doorbell makes me jump. "Oh my god. Oh my god. I can't do this!"

Colton smacks the back of my head but before I can yell at him he cuts in, "Sis, man the fuck up. I get that you want mom and dad to like him but my god, it's not that serious. Now go answer the door before he thinks he is at the wrong house."

"Well, he actually has picked-."

"Go answer the fucking door, Emma."

I blinked twice before jumping off the bed and rushing down the stairs, taking two at a time. Once I get down there I see my parents had beaten me to the door. I stood there with my mouth wide open as they greeted Forrest with a handshake, and my mom brought him into a hug.

Once they notice my presence Forrest smirks and my mom looks at me, "There she is."

I walked up to him and gave him a hug, "Hi, Fore." I could hear my heart pounding out of my chest. He greeted me back with a kiss on my forehead. "Hey, Em."

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