part 1

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It was Winry's first time staying at Rush Valley for a long time. The main reason she wanted to go is that She's going to Briggs in a month with Edward and Alphonse and spending time with her girlfriend, Paninya.
"There ya go!" Edward patted Winry on her head, patting the pink hat on Winry's head. "I'm nervous, Ed! I mean, what if she isn't missing me or she doesn't want me there or-"
"Stop worrying, Winry. Paninya is probably missing more than anyone else right now plus, you're her girlfriend, how can she not miss you?" Edward says, zipping up his coat. "Yeah. You're right! I love her and she loves me!" Winry says in a joyful voice. "Great, now go over there and get yourself some joy, you little lesbian!" Edward says with a smirk, nubbing Winry in her shoulder. Alphonse runs down the stairs to the two blondes. "Hey, guys!" The joyful voice that came out of Alphonse's mouth could make anyone smile and brighten their day. "Hey, Al," Ed replied. Winry stood there in silence, waiting for Alphonse to greet her. "How's your girlfriend, Winry?" Al asked. "Damn, at least ask me how am I, Al. Geez!" Winry mutters. "I'm sorry! I'm just curious to see how she's doing!"
"She's fine..." Winry had a little sass in her voice, which Edward noticed.
"Don't throw sass at Alphonse, Winry. You're lucky we're even taking you to Rush Valley."
"I'm sorry, Ed..." Winry says with guilt in her voice.
"Good, everyone's ready to go?"
Everyone stood up, leaving the house and walking to the train.

The ride was supposed to be 1-3 days, which wasn't long for the boys but for Winry, it was like a year.
"Hey, Win." Edward leans back in his seat.
"Hm?" Winry looks at Edward's direction.
"Do you love Paninya?"
"Why you asked me that?" Winry raised an eyebrow.
"You're being way too clingy around her, trying to send her letters and go to Rush Valley a lot."
"Well, Ed...that's just my meaning of showing love to her."
"If she breaks up with you, what would you do besides from cry?"
Winry expression changed, she really didn't want to answer the question. Winry couldn't imagine heartbreak or at least Paninya doing it.
"I don't want to answer that question."
"Why not?" Edward asks, silently laying down.
"I just don't want to answer it," Winry replied, placing her head on the train table.
"Okay, I'm not forcing ya, Win."
The sky turned dark, it was night and everyone on the train was sleep except for Winry, who was looking at the night sky through the window, placing her hand on one of the stars.
"Wise men say only fools rush in...but I can't help falling in love with you..."
Winry whispered the song, her singing voice was like an angel but to her, she sounded terrible, which was completely false.
"Shall I stay? Would it be a sin, if I can't help falling in love with you..."
"I still don't get it why you hate your voice, Win."
Winry turns around in shock, forgetting that Alphonse and Edward was a light sleeper who pretended to sleep so they could hear their best friend voice.
"Oh! You were awake?!" Winry says in shock, hiding under her blonde hair.
"Yeah, you sound great!" Alphonse says, almost screaming out to words.
"Shhh...we could wake someone up," Winry whispered.
"But still, you sounded great and you're an idiot if think you sounded terrible," Edward says, putting his elbow on Winry's shoulder.
"T-thanks...I hate my voice's too...-."
"Winry, I swear to all the people I love, If you say 'terrible', I will make them turn this train around."
"O-okay, it's not THAT terrible!"
"Winry Rockbell, you have vocals of an angel and you need to stop hiding! You're always hiding your angelic, beautiful voice."
"I'm not!"
"How much you want to bet that you'll not hide your voice?"
"I don't fix your automail for the remaining time at Rush Valley and If you win..."
"You can say goodbye to your little girlfriend."
Winry pushed back from her seat, shaking her hands.
"You're going way too far, Ed!"
"I'm just fooling around with you, Win!"
"Don't use my relationship with Paninya against me!"
The sun hit everyone's face on the train. Winry was more hungry than anyone else on the train, there were times where she thought that the smell of the train smoke was the smell of bacon.
After a while, the train stopped. The big sign in big, red letters said 'RUSH VALLEY'.
Winry was more than excited, immediately jumping off the train. The boys follow her outside the train.
"Do you see her anywhere, Winry?"
Winry jumps into Paninya's arms, kissing her. (just google jumping into someone's arms and look at the first one in case you don't know what that is)
"I guess we found Paninya..."
"Dominic! I brought my girlfriend...again."
The grouchy mechanic kept quiet.
"Ah, nice to see you again, Dominic."
The two girls kissed as they walked up to Paninya's room.
Laying on her bed, finally being together again.
"I miss you..."
"Aw...missed you too!"
 "C' mere, I want to frickin' kiss you every single time you talk."
Winry crawls on Paninya, removing her shirt.
Paninya flips Winry over.
"Win, what did I tell you?"
"No sex until everybody leaves the house and we're alone."
"I'm sorry...we weren't in the house for a minute yet and I'm getting too into it already,"
"It's okay-" Paninya says, giving her a kiss on her temple.

a/n- ik, a little short but don't worry more to come!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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