Chapter 1

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One day, one month, one year, one decade. It's all really the same time length for me. How? Well every day my bunny leaves in the afternoon, yes I allow my bunny to walk off but he still comes back! Sometimes I wanted to see where he was going, but I couldn't leave the house on such short  notice, but one day I finally had the courage to follow him.

He was hopping into the street but no cars were coming so that was good, I noticed his claws were sharp and long! I thought to myself, thinking if I could bring my dog to catch him if he does anything stupid but then again Austin was sleeping. I continued to follow Jack, we weren't even near the house anymore. Jack seemed to be heading toward Jack and Jill's which a donut place, I never thought he would go here but the logo isn't even a bunny. What if he was secretly a human?

There was this man eating his donuts at a table minding his own business and Jack was hopping straight at him.
I can't lie but Jack hopping is adorable! Jack jumped on the man's table, "Get off my table ya filthy rat!" said the man. Jack scratched him, hard and painfully as I stood in horror of what my bunny had done.
I yelled, "Jack stop right now this instant!"

He stopped and quickly his claws grew smaller and he hopped to me wagging his cute little tail. "Jack why are you scratching that poor man?!"
Jack somehow did a hand sign saying the man did bad things he cheated on his wife and killed a bunch of people but got away with it. I wondered if Jack was...


I sighed and picked up Jack, "Jack just tell what you do besides leaving without permission and I won't bother you anymore, well besides me giving you comfort and what not."
Jack hand signed me again saying he had a better plan. He didn't tell me what though.

Before I knew it, it was the afternoon where Jack had to eat. Luckily, I had filled the bowl before I gone out! Jack smiled at me with glee, I wasn't to sure if he was a demon or an sweet angel.

To be continued.

my evil bunny(Chapter 1)Where stories live. Discover now