Chapter 10

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The Queen of the Rainforest sighed. She hated moving around with an extremely large belly, especially after eating. This made her day to day routine as a Queen harder and harder, since governing the forest meant that you had to go through a jungle gym the entire day. Even Deathbringer's signature smug grin had been wiped off for the past few weeks.

Luckily Deathbringer had taken on almost half the to-do list, even after Glory's protests. That left her with fairly easy and important letters to read and write, take in requests from various Rainwings and issue out other tasks to do. Even then, her husband had insisted she had a substitute assassin body guard.

Well, today was no different from the other days, except Glory knew the egg would come today. But due to Queenly reasons, she chose to look after that matter later.

"Nebula, could you get me the stack of scrolls I kept in the oak wood cabinet?", Glory called from her office room, since, the Rainwings didn't really do 'palaces'. But the Queen's house was pretty big, many different sized huts connected together with strong bridges from tree to tree. The Nightwing, Nebula, whisked out of the room and came back carrying a mountain of papers.

"Your majesty, It's way past afternoon right now and you haven't had a single fruit or anything."

"I'm sure i'll manage, besides, I had a hearty dinner last night and plenty of sleep. That will do for me.", she said, still submerged in reading a letter from the Skywings.

"Queen Glory". Nebula started. "This may not surprise you, but you eating or not is a matter of life and death to me. I'm not kidding. If Deathbringer comes in to see you having not eaten anything, he will literally murder me."

Deathbringer and Nebula had been trained under the same dragon in terms of assassination, although Nebula couldn't quite hit the mark, you do not want to underestimate her. So they stayed the closest of friends after Nebula turned down his love interest.

"So now you will eat, or I will fling every guava into the ocean and set fire to every guava tree here.", she snarled, shoving a bowl of freshly cut fruits into her face. As soon as she heard the mention of 'guavas', she snatched the bowl out of her hands and popped a mango into her mouth.

"Don't. You. Dare."

"Hey." Nebula raised her hands in a non threatening manner. "I'm just keeping my head on my neck.", she grinned.

Suddenly the fruit bowl dropped down from her hands, scattering the food around. Glory's eyes widened and she doubled over in pain. Just as she was about to fall out from her chair, Nebula caught her in her arm.

"Glory! Your majesty? What's wrong? Do you need to lay down?", the Nightwing bombarded her with panicked questions as Glory let out a groan. "The egg! We need to get to the healer's hut now! I'll be right back, focus on your breathing now, don't think about anything else." 

Nebula ran out of the hut, flew straight to the healer's hut and immediately rushed back with three other dragons and a stretcher. The worst time Deathbringer couldn't be beside her, he was almost on the opposite end of the forest.

The Rainwing was in hellish pain when she was transported into the delivery room. Only the most skilled Rainwings were allowed inside there. Nebula was sweating outside, thinking about Deathbringer's reaction and Glory's egg inside. Even though she was just a substitute body guard for her, didn't mean they couldn't become friends over time.

"Nebula! What happened to Glory? Is she sick?", Kinkajou jumped into the hallway with a worried snout and a slightly pale green scale color. Turtle trailed in behind her with a similar expression.

"N-no, no, nothing like that, and get that sickly color out of your scales, shes delivering her first egg right now." she told with a relieved sigh. "And how did you both get to know about it this fast?"

"We just thought about giving her a visit today, Kinkajou really wanted to see her today, along with news of the egg of course." Turtle spoke up, adding an eye roll at the end with a small smile.

"It's an EGG Turtle, an EGG which holds the successor to the Rain kingdom. And it's my Best friend's EGG.", she exclaimed with a few swirls of orange in her now yellow attire.

Glory's yells weren't gone unnoticed by the three as they mentally prayed for everything to go well.

Its been a few years since they got together, I wonder how long it will take for their egg. Nebula thought with a sly grin. Not everyone knew her properly, but she in secret was a hardcore shipper. Especially for Glorybringer, Turtlejou, Starspeaker, Moonbli and Ripnami. It was unfortunate she couldn't meet Peril. She heard of a possible Winterwatcher from Kinkajou, but now he was nowhere to be seen.

Finally, a light blue Rainwing parted the thick curtains and slipped out with a smile.

"Visitor are allowed now. It's a guaranteed, healthy heiress to pop out soon. And please do tell Deathbringer to get here early.", he said and walked away.

"Kink, Turtle, go in and look after Glory for me. I'll be back with Deathy in a few minutes."

The Nightwing hurried out of the place and headed straight towards the assassination training grounds. Usually she would be in charge over there, but they both made it a deal to take turns every week, since it was mentally and physically exhausting teaching Rainwings to even make a sneak attack.

Kink grabbed Turtle's hand and dragged him in to a tired Rainwing Queen and a color shifting egg with black swirls on it.

"Glory! Congratulations on your first egg!! I can't wait to meet the little one soon. I swear, it definitely has to be the cutest thing ever since the new addition to Starflight's family. And then, when she grows up, It's gonna be the most awesomest thing ever to see your kid rule over the entire forest." 

"Alright, hold up. What do you mean first egg? This is the last time i'm ever going through this again. And also don't forget, it has to be a goal of my daughter and your kid to become the next generation best friends. I'll be waiting for that.", Glory ended with a smirk and the couple's faces went red, completely in Kinkajou's case.

Suddenly two black figures burst inside, startling Glory and almost giving Turtle a heart attack.

"Glory!", said none other than Deathy. From the leaves and branches stuck to him, you could tell he rampaged through the forest to get here. His eyes were wide when they landed upon the egg beside his beloved. And they filled up with tears.

He smiled and his tears fell.

"I just hope its not another one of you. One Deathbringer is more than enough for me to handle, much less another smaller and hyper duplicate.", Glory grinned and reached out to cup his tear stained face.

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