wrong dimension bud.

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 Five did it. He traveled back in time. He didn't know how far but--. Wait. They weren't in the theater anymore. They were in a different building, and just by looking out the window they were really high up.

 All 6 of the conscious children turned their heads to see 5 adults in a fighting stance? why would they be in a- ohh. Well Five cursed under his breath realizing what he had done. They were in a different universe. It was pretty obvious. These people looked ready to fight. Just by looking at them you could tell they were the fighting type. He didn't know if they were superheroes, but came to the conclusion they were. 

"Where the hell are we?" Five looked over to see a worried looking Diego with 5 knives distributed into both his hands at the ready. Diego was the only one that looked alive. Everyone else looked tired. 'Guess he doesn't get jet lag' Five thought. He was the first to collapse. Then Ben, followed by Klaus and Allison. It took Luther awhile, but he fell with a loud thump. Before Five lost consciousness he could hear Diego swear under his breath.


He saw all his siblings for a minute and then there was already a threat. In one swift move he took out five knives. Two in one hand and 3 in the other. He looked at his siblings again and surveyed their 13 year old bodies. He asked where they were but instead all his siblings fell to the ground. He would've passed out to, but he didn't feel like letting his guard down. That let the drowsiness slowly dissipate.

He looked back at the threat, but technically he and his siblings were the threat. there were 4 men and 1 woman. The woman had red hair and let her guard down a bit after all his siblings fell to the ground. There was another man with a bow and arrow. Diego could respect that. He can throw anything at any target, but he tried shooting once. He used a sling shot and he still hit the target. He always thought the bow and arrow was cool. He would love to get his hands on one.

The next man had some weird glowing glove directed towards him. He didn't want to make a wrong move and get hit with whatever that was. The third man was tall. He reminded Diego of Luther, but not as big. The last man didn't look threatening at all. He just stood there and observed Diego.

Diego put his knives behind his back and tried to look like a lost little boy. It helped that he didn't have the scar on his head with his 13 year old body.

Sadly they weren't buying it, and just kept staring at him. He broke. Lets be honest, he had many reasons to brake. First of all he killed his own mom. He's is still stressing over that because he knows one of his siblings will find out. Allison almost did when he talked to her.

Secondly was because he was the only one awake. He could only do so much before these guys killed him. 

Thirdly and lastly was Patch. Eudora didn't deserve to die. Every time he closes his eyes he sees her lifeless body. He wished  that she had waited. He wished that he hadn't forgotten about his own brother. All of it was his fault. He knew that, but he would make sure to protect Klaus and now Ben even more. That's why he broke.

"I can't take this anymore. Everyone I know is dead except my siblings. I lost my favorite person in the entire world over the actual god damn world. She was even more than my mom. Oh and I lost her too. Life is fucked up. And now I'm in someone else's god damn home with 6 unconscious brothers and sisters. Let's throw all of you into the mess of shit. Honestly, right now I would love if you would just kill me. You were probably going to do it anyway. Go ahead, I've got nothing to live for."

He did have something to live for. He knew that, but he really just didn't care. He dropped the knives that were in his hand to the ground. He looked at the people waiting for them to attack. They did nothing. Finally the man with the blaster gloves spoke up.

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