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Julio smiled at his coworkers as he walked past, he was the youngest engineer at the CUBE, a company dedicated to creating self aware and fully conscious Artificial Intelligence.

"Hey Julio!" The rest of his team ran up to him.

"So I got a design for his face."

"The brain is almost finished! We've got one last section to do!"

"His height should be average for a guy and should we give him any accessories to make him look like a regular guy?"

Julio chuckled as his friends created a large clamor.

"Alright, let's get to business, Parker and Tybzi continue working on the structure and make sure he won't get banged up easily. Stacy and Devon, I'd like to see your design for his face. Jon, Mitch continue working on the brain. We've got under six months to complete this project!" Julio smiled with satisfaction at the efficiency of his team.

The young boy turned to his desk and began his own job of programing the cardiorespiratory system.

This was his one chance to prove to the world that the Gonzales family was not crazy.


Welcome to my new story! So far there is no Graser, but that is for a reason that will be discovered soon... tickle that greedy vote button if you're excited for the book! Anyways as far as I know, you've been reading, I've been Graser94 and I will see you whenever you decide to stalk me next!


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