Chapter 2

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Julio opened the door to his apartment one handed, his other hand was leading a robot who thought it was necessary to introduce himself to the plant outside of their now shared apartment every single time.

"Julio, why did that lady give us such a weird look?" Graser asked, slightly afraid that Julio might yell at him, Julio had been on edge the entire week. The robot had gone through many videos on the internet and saw many beautiful things, but what scared him the most were loud screams, of anger and pain. He hated it and he didn't want his Julio to be mad. He didn't mean to be annoying, he really didn't.

Julio was lost in thought, thinking about his ex-girlfriend and then his first boyfriend who received cancer and died. What shook him out of those sad memories was the sound of Graser whimpering. There was liquid glistening on his cheeks.

Once more Julio made a mental note to give Devon and Stacy a raise. Their craftsmanship of his emotions was amazing.

"Graser why are you crying?"

"I am sad." The robot looked at him in amazement.

"I do not like being sad."

Julio kneeled down next to him.

"Why are you sad?"

"Because you are angry. Don't be angry with me."

Julio felt his stomach turn, he had frightened the robot, the robot that depended on him for safety.

He had failed.

"Graser listen to me," the robot whimpered and tried to move away from the blue haired man.

"Graser I'm not angry with you, I'm kind of tired from work. But I am not angry with you. Come on bud let's go play some Minecraft."


The robot raced to his plexicomputer they had set up.

Julio smiled and walked over next to the robot. He enjoyed playing with Graser, he was quite a goof; he made himself a robot skin.


"Ow!" Julio jumped up from his desk and ran to Graser's exclamation of pain.

"Graser are you okay?"

It was honestly a dumb question. Graser could not be hurt by anything or anyone except for the members of the team. Only they knew his tender spots.

Julio burst into the walk-in closet that had become the robot's office when he wasn't being tested.

The robot was giggling.


"I was playing Minecraft and a skellie shot me into lava!" He pouted.

Parker walked by Julio's office just to hear Graser giggling and Julio yelling a him.

The brunet shook his head chuckling at the racket they were making.


"You said you wanted to see me sir?" Julio opened the door to the CEO's office. This was the man that gave his team the money they needed to build Graser.

"Yes hello Julio. I trust you and the others are testing the robot's capabilities and fixing problems?"

"Yes sir."

"Please," the man waved his hand dismissively, "called me Justin."

"Yes Justin. He's very smart and our emotions tech team has done an excellent job with the robot. He's able to laugh, pout, he's even managed to produce tears!"

"That's all very nice and dandy but I want to know, how are his fighting skills?"

"Sir? I don't understa-."

"The UN has shown almost exclusive interest in your model. They want to replace the first line of soldiers with it."


"I beg your pardon?"

"He is not an it. His name is Graser. I am honored at such an opportunity; but I must ask you to call him by his name." Julio bit back more words incase he said something offensive and lost his robot.

"Very well. He has bullet-proof skin, yes?"

"Yes. While his skin is soft like a human's, his cannot be penetrated by any type of bullet except for the small of his ba-"

"I do not care. Just as long as I can have a fully functional killing machine to show the UN. Or else you and Graser will be locked away to rust. Capisce?"

"Yes sir." Julio left the office feeling many years older. He did not want to see Graser kill people.

"Julio!" Graser flung himself at the blue haired man as though he had not seen him in years.

Julio let a small smile grace his lips as he wrapped his arms around the android.


Liam looked out to the hallway to see his boss hugging Graser. He smiled and shook his head, Julio might not know it yet but he was completely in love with the robot. That made Liam's job of turning the robot into a killing machine so much harder.


I know I have not updated in a while but I can and will explain! In this story I'm much more focused on getting more detail in the chapters and letting the plot flow naturally than just writing a tiny little chapter and updating everyday.

So if you've stuck around give yourself a pat on the back and... tickle that vote button!

As far as I know you've been reading, I've been Graser94 and I will see you whenever you decide to stalk me next!


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