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Hope you guys like this. Just to let you know this is after Gena got killed or something. 


Things to remember..

Y/N = Your name

H/C=Hair color

F/_ = Favorite something * like drink or cake..something!*

E/C= Eye color

G/P = Godly Parent (You wont be needing this though)

Last time:

"What is this place?" i say "Wait before I tell you, whats your name?" "I'm..."


Your Prov:

"WHAT IS THAT?!" A HUGE DRAGON THAT IS MADE OUT OF METAL CAME OUT OF NOWHERE?! Percy and Annabeth seem to almost be crying. WHY?! Are that that scared?? OMG!! THERE IS A PERSON ON THE DRAGON!! "T-t-thats Fest-u-us" Percy said. "Festus?" I say in confusion. The dragon landed right beside me!!! I turn around and see a boy with a bit of curly brown hair and well he looked like a Latino elf boy. XD "Well Hello there hot stuff." the boy said "Um who are you and why are you ON A HUGE DRAGON?!?! CAN SOMEONE JUST TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON?!?!!?" I yell probably loud enough for the whole camp to hear. I was right a bunch of people came. They came closer to the boy and me. I decide to walk away into the wood nearby. It seem as if they never meet the boy in years. A few minutes later all I can hear are people yell " LEO YOUR BACK WE MISS YOU!" or "LEO YOUR SO DEAD BUT WE MISS YOU SO MUCH!" or "WHAT HAPPEND TO YOU!?". Right now I was confused and...I just wanted to go home.

Percy's Prov:


L-leo is finally back! I-i cant believe it after days we all thought he was dead.

I hug Leo as hard as I could. "Whoa, clam down guys!" says Leo. "HOW CAN WE, WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DIED!" some random camper said. I look at Leo, he seem like he had a long trip and seem as if he was crying for days. "Dude, first of all what happened and second you need to sit, you look like you went through a lot." I say to him. Leo seem relieved i said that. We brought him to the campfire. 'mmm, I feel like i forgetting something...more like someone....OH NO! I FORGOT THE NEW GIRL!!" I yell Everyone looks at me. "You mean the one I saw you were with?" Annabeth asked. "YES! She's new, she wouldn't know how to protect herself!" I say. Everyone went into panic mode. "PERCY! HOW COULD YOU FORGET!" Piper said to me. "I-I got distracted by Leo coming and when I realised she wasn't with us..i just..." i responded "I-it's f-fine i guess..i just don't want anyone getting hurt, we have Leo to take care of already and losing a new camper is bad." said Piper. I get what she means, after all the Gena and battle, losing so many people during that war. It was bad enough when we had to fix our camp while guarding it. Losing a new camper is just going to add on the list. Jason went up to get a birds eyes view and try to see her. Annabeth is helping Will with taking care of Leo. Everyone else is going on foot to find her. When was the last time I saw her??

Your Prov: 

It's dark already. The sound of the people can not be heard anymore. Camp half blood huh? I wonder what it is about... I hear a movement in a near by bush. "Come out!" I yell. Comes out a white snow rabbit. "You scared me...wait...your fur only turns white because their is no sunlight that must mean.." i say to myself (Sorry IK Naruto reference...XD) "Looks like you found me!" says someone up above. "Who are you?!" I yell, trying not to sound scared. "Oh sweetie, I'm the one who tried to get that dog to kill you. Remember?" the stranger said. "Wow thanks!" i say "What do you want from me?!" "I just wanted to make sure your Y/N right?" said the person. "Well...yes? I am." i say "Good, i have a prophecy to tell you, so you better listen up!" say the unknown person. (I'm trying so hard to find different ways to call this person!)"okay.." i say. The person starts

"May the moon bless a child, who seems to be , but clearly is not, one who may seem nothing but is greater than all. Fire and water try to mix but always ends up bad, wind tries to blow yet ends up being last. But may the child bloom like a flower  but in the winter breeze when all things seem lost, "

that's what they said before they disappeared. The camp finally found me and I just finished talking to them about what happened." Fire, water, wind..." Annabeth starts to say. "Does it mean about.." Perry asked her. Before Annabeth answered, everyone look at me. "Huh? Is there something on my face?" I asked "No, but there is something above your head."  I looked up and saw a trident that was all blue. Everyone's eyes went to Perry. "Y-your my sister.." he says kind of quietly.

SO I just redoing the chapters I already did just so you know

 Wolf~chan out!

Percy's sister??? Hoo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now