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Alright. So I was tagged by Lams_Hamilton. I haven't done this in a loooing time😂😂
Let's get this thing started I guess.

1) I am female

2) I'm an only child. Not including my two adoptive older sisters from my dad's side. (they're 28 and 31)

3) my favorite foods are basically anything greasy. And Hispanic. Tacos, burritos, fajitas, literally any type of frijoles. Rice. And basically any fruit juice. Love me those freshly ripened fruit ovary juice!

4) I guess you could say I'm artistic. I love singing, dancing and acting. I love drawing, though I wouldn't say I'm good. (I'm not)

5) um. My best friend dragged me into musical theater in December of last year, and now it has literally taken over my life.

6) My favorite band is Pentatonix. There is no denying that.

7) my favorite song from Hamilton has to be Yorktown. It's just. So good. And my favorite PTX song? OOOF I honestly can't choose. They're all so good.

8) I'm not active. At all. I can run. and I'm good at sports. But I'd rather do dance or swimming than anything else.

9) Florida born, and Florida grown baby!

10) my favorite TV shows? They have to be Voltron, Queer Eye, Supernatural, and a few others. 😂

11) My top 10 ships. Ooof here we go. (Unranked)
   ~Boyf Riends

And, here are the poor souls I'm tagging. I apologize in advance.

Once again. I'm sorry.

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