chapter 3

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​"You will pay for this, Tam and you new girl!" Tina hollered as she went with the administrator. 

Who was Tam was it that girl who "snitched" on Tina. I think I was soon to find out. We entered the front office but I dont think it was a prize.

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As I entered the office I saw a women I think it was the principal. She asked me some questions.

"What nessisarlily was Tina doing to bully you?" She asked.

So I just explained what happened. Her face went from suprised to angry. 

"Well we never sent Tina to do that stuff to you. I am so sorry that had to happen to you. But we will make sure Tina doesnt bother you."

"Ok thank you. Also what class am I supposed to be going to?" I ask.

"Well, your in Stacy's class so maybe Stacy can show you around." She turns to the girl, "Stacy, will you show Emily around and protect her?"

"Yupp!" The girl, Stacy turns to me, "dont worry Emily was it I've got your back!" 

"Thanks is your name Stacy?" I ask.

"Yupp the names Stacy Michele Tam, but my friends call me Stac."

"Ok Stac where to now?" I ask.

"Umm well what class do I have now umm o ya that's right I have Launge Arts in room 5102." She reassures herself. "But we have a sub right now and Mrs. Belle is really mean, so we'll need a pass to class"

"Ok..." I say

           -               -                -

We get to class but only to be welcomed by Tina. She opens the door and smiles evily.

"Oh Mrs. Belle its Stacy Tam. What has she been doing this whole time?" 

"Is it really? Well Stacy come in you can explain to your parents why I'm writing this referral."

"I am sorry I was hanging out with my friends who were skipping but as I was coming back I saw the new student trying to find her way to class so I decided to help her came here."

"But Stac that's not what hap-"

"Its fine, but you owe me one new girl" Stacy says grinning.

I sit down to find out this Launge Arts class is really easy, bit that might be just because we have a sub. I had a feeling this school would change me for the worse and the better.

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