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so close to saying goodbye to my freshman year! can't wait to move back home omggg!!!


It was currently ten o'clock on a Friday night after one of our school's football games, where we defeated one of our biggest rivals.

So what did we do?

We partied.

Forrest and I were currently at one of the cheerleaders house with basically half of the school, well anyone who was at the game basically.

I was dressed in my normal outfit, ripped jeans but I was wearing a tight crop top I had gotten from H&M and let's just say my boobs were looking great.

I was currently talking to sarah while Forrest had an arm around me and a drink in his other.

He was such a cute drunk. He was even more loving than he is already.

He hadn't drunken too much tonight, he isn't blacked out or anything which is good. Me, I was driving so I am not drinking.

"So one of the baseball players asked me to come over after the party," Sarah tells me.

Forrest gasps and whispers, "who?"

She smiles and blushes a little as she points to the brunette guy in the corner surrounded by a bunch of guys, "him."

"Aaron?" Forrest asks.

She nods and I ask, "are you gonna go?"

She bites her lip, "I want to. We sit by each other in class and we have been talking. Do you think it's a good idea?"

"I mean it's your decision," I turn to Forrest, "Do you think he would take advantage of her?"

He snickers, "I'm pretty sure he's a Virgin."

I roll my eyes, "yeah but is he a nice guy?"

He shrugs, "I haven't got a problem with him and I'm picky with people."

Sarah sighs, "good, well I guess Ill do it then." She pauses and whispers, "Do you think he would take my virginity?"

I look at her, "Sarah I mean I don't think he's 100% sure he's inviting you over to have sex with you. He could just be trying to know you better."

"And then he will fuck you," Forrest adds.

I hit him on the shoulder, "oh is that what you did?"

He throws his hands up in defense, "you kissed me first, babe."

I roll my eyes and lean into him and kiss him on the neck, "yeah and you loved it."

He smiles, "indeed I did. Can't believe you ran off though. I was hoping for more that night."

I laugh, "I was so embarrassed don't talk about it." Someone bumps into my shoulder and I turn to see Ivy standing there, "Ivy!"

She turns and squeals making my ears burn, "Emma! What's up? You look smoking hot tonight, doesn't she Forrest?" She slurs.

I look at Forrest and he eyes me up and down and nods, "very smoking hot."

It makes me blush a little at the way he was looking at me. "Where's Colton?"

She turns around and points to the hallway, "he had to take a piss-ss."

I laugh, "just stay here with us until he gets back, okay?"

She nods, "want to dance with me? Please Emma!"

I sigh and turn to Forrest and give him a quick kiss before Ivy drags me to the dance floor. Forrest follows a little closer so he can watch.

We hear Pure Water by Mustard go on and I already know what's about to happen.

She's gonna twerk on me.

She giggles as she gets up close on me and people follow to do the same with others. I turn to Forrest and he already has a grin on his face as he watches what is going down.

I begin to stop worrying about people watching and decide to get into it.

Eventually she gets tired and stops and we leave the dance floor.

"Ivy," I hear my brother shout.

She perks up, "later sis!"

I smile and walk up to Forrest and wrap my arms around his neck, "like what you see?"

His hands snaked around my body and began to kiss me slowly, "you are one sexy girl I'll give you that."

Part of me loved it when he said those kinds of things. It boosted my confidence. The other part felt like he was using me for my body and were we too young to be this intimate?

What am I thinking, I'm a teenager I'm supposed to have fun.

"You know my parents are gone this weekend, you can come over." I tell him while twisting a strand of his hair with my finger.

He licks his lips, "well I can't pass up an offer like that from my girlfriend can I?"

I smiled, "come on, let's go."

I told sarah bye and to call if she needed anything. I then went to look for Colton and ivy and they were making out on the couch. They wouldn't be back for a while.

I basically ran to my car and drove home so Forrest and I could have a little alone time.

If you're picking up what I'm putting down.

We get inside and run to my room and he immediately throws me down on the bed and kisses me.

It gets deeper and deeper until our clothes  are all off and this time I'm on top of him trying to show my dominance until he flips me over.

He places himself inside me and he rides me until both reach our climaxes. I moan loudly as I can feel himself get tighter inside me.

We both finished and cleaned ourselves up and I threw a T-shirt on and climbed into my bed, right next to Forrest.

I cuddle up against him and he plays with my hair until I'm asleep and before I'm completely asleep, I hear him quietly whisper "goodnight beautiful" before getting comfortable and going to sleep himself.

This was the night I realized my life would never be the same.

I think I was falling in love with him.

And I liked the feeling of it.

But did he feel the same?

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