The Boy in the Garden

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There's always a boy in that garden, everytime I pass by I see him crouched down in the same spot. Sometimes its hard to spot him because of his green hair and sandy skin, but if you stare a little bit longer you can see his feminine figure behind the branches of plants and bushes. I'm always curious as to what he's doing everyday, but I don't care enough to ask.
Today as I take my stroll by, I find him in the same spot as usual, it was easier to spot him today because of the flower crown on his head. It suits him well, the bright colors blended well with his green hair and made it almost look as if it were growing out of his real hair. My face curved into a smile. I try to make my presence unknown as I walk by, my footsteps were at a slow pace and my ear buds were turned down lower. If anything would kill me, it'd be him seeing me.

As I passed the whole world seemed to silence, every noise possible vanished. It was just me and him and my pounding heart beat. I took out my earbuds and listened to my footsteps, which were now the only sound. I slowed down even more, keeping my steps nice and steady. The garden slowly passed by as I let out a breath that I hadn't realized I was holding. Why do I always feel scared to have a conversation with him. Whoever "he" is, is making my heart do weird hurls and flips, I don't like this feeling.
I push my earbuds back in and continue down the sidewalk watching the sun finally begin to set. The brightness made me squint at first, but my eyes eventually got used to it.

I felt a tug on the back of my hoodie, this made me turn around. There he was, the mysterious garden boy. Green flower hair, sandy skin, freckles that lightly speckled his face, and the greenest eyes I have ever seen. My hand immediately clenched my chest, it was my heart that had jumped. His very presence made my heart do flips, how can one do something this powerful to my body. Maybe he had an invisible rope and was pulling me in each second of the day, the rope that was connected to my heart. And he was pulling me even closer now.

"E-excuse me. Y-you dropped this..." He said shyly handing me my wallet. His voice penetrated my ears softly, his voice was very soothing. I wish I could listen it all day. My hand reached out to his as I gripped my wallet, my hand slowly grazing his hand before pulling away.

"Thanks." Was all I said. What the hell were you thinking! My mind yelled as my body turned away and continued walking down the street. 'You could've talked more, maybe could've exchanged numbers!' I mentally slapped myself. Suddenly I feel the tug again. I spin around and see him again. Staring up at me with his luring big green eyes. He then smiles, which sends my heart racing.

"Don't you pass everday?" He said with more confidence. My lips curve into a smile, thank god he had the confidence. A small blush appears on his face.

"Yeah, I pass everyday. I wonder what you do there in the garden. Do you mind telling me?" I say. It sounds as if I have confidence, but really on the inside my body is screaming for help. The smol bean below smiles at me again.

"I was hoping you'd ask. Come on, I'll show you!" He said taking my hand into his and running towards the garden. My legs start to run with him as a major blush appears on my face. His hand was surprisingly very smooth, considering all the gardening he's been doing. He pulls me through the entrance of the garden and past many different flowers and vegetables. The smell was very strong but pleasing. Before my eyes could figure out what was happening, I saw a big area full of full grown flowers which all surrounded a big cherry blossom tree. The tree trunk had string lights all over it and in the middle of the flowers was one single rose that stood out far from the others. "The rose symbolizes love." He said kindly as if he were speaking to someone close to him. "This is where my grandma died, and to celebrate her life I did all of this. Every year I come here to take care of it." He smiled up at the grand tree. I smiled with him.

"I'm sure she's very proud of you." I say warmly. My heart was so warm from him just being here and the sight of all of this. I felt so happy then, I never wanted this moment to end.

"I'm Izuku by the way, Izuku Midoriya. Call me whatever you like." Izuku claimed. I turned my head towards him and smiled.

"I'm Katsuki, Katsuki Bakugou. You can call me whatever as well." I respond to him. He smiles warmly.

"I like you already Kacchan." Izuku said. My heart jumped at the nickname.

"Well, I like you already too Deku." I replied.

"Hey! Why Deku? Doesn't that mean worthless?"

"No, to me it means 'You can do it!'"

"Very well then, that will do."


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Have a great night/day

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