Walker Stalker ( Part 1)

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"It will never happen." That is what everyone said. Well if only that were true. If it never would have happened, I would be sitting in my biology lab right now with 15 some other students most whom wouldn't be paying attention. Instead I am sharpening a knife against a ceramic coffee that we found in our last expedition.

Mitchell and Ellie are hovered over a map marking out places that we have already explored. I can hear Lash and Mimi teaching Adelaide upstairs.  Mimi has taken an extreme closeness to Lash after coming in close contact with death. Joshua is out checking the perimeter.

Mitchell, Joshua, and I found Elli and Addy swarmed by walkers as they stood on top of a garbage container. Addy was covered in blood and dirt and was sobbing in Ellie's arms as Ellie continues to try to kick away the walkers.

After losing our roommate Zach to an infected cut, we had to mercy him. We decided to pack our things and move to a new location. Thankful we had come across a small town that was not your stereotypical "small town" There were very few businesses mostly townhouses and apartments. We came across the two of them as we decided to cross through the town on the way to the countryside where Zach's family had lived.

After knocking out the walkers and saving the two of them we crashed in a small wellness store for the night as we stocked up on anything we could find. That night Lash snuck into the wellness store to try to get to the mostly empty pharmaceuticals. Addy had woken up crying which woke everyone up and that's when we noticed Lash. After talking her down from shooting us, Mitch helped her find a medication that would help Mimi's fever and knock out the infection in her system

Soon enough we all made our way to Zach's house. He lived on a small ranch house way off the main road with a nice three-story house sitting on 4 acres that surround the house with a small barn consisting of animals at one point, now the barn was empty and full of unused hay. There was even a small pond that allowed the animals to drink and a well that dipped into a natural spring. That was almost 5 months ago.

Since then we have fortified a wooden fence around the barn and the house supported with diagonal support beams. Ellie knew of a wood plant a few miles out of town. We found an old trunk with a full tank of gas and spent 3 days going back and forth gathering wood and then taking three weeks to build the entire perimeter. With Zach's parents stocked on hunting rifles and pistols it was almost perfect. Hell, we even set up a security warning with wire and any type of cans we could find. That was Lash's idea. She and Ellie created wooden spikes that were semi spikes and wrapped with barbed wire that extended five feet out.

All this physical labor has had an extreme toll on my body though. Despite being 21, I was blessed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at a young age. I try to contribute to the best of my abilities but there are days where the pain and swell are too much and I lie in my little loft crying from pain. So mostly I stick to tactical and weaponry. I also take care of Addy when everyone is busy.


Joshua bursts in through the back door, panic was written all over his face as he heaves in the air. Immediately we all jump, scared shitless.

"Josh, what's going on?"

He gulps in the air as he frantically begins to move to gather our resources. We all stare at each other in confusion and concern. Joshua is knocking things over as he stumbles in chaos. Lash comes does holding Addy with Mimi following close behind. Mitchell grabs Josh by the shoulders stopping him.

"Look at me." Josh looks into his eyes frozen, "What is happening?"

"A horde, about a couple hundred, maybe more than a thousand, I couldn't t-tell and they are coming out of the woods. I locked up the barn but we should-."

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