Chapter 8

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Dreamhade's POV


I open my eyes and find myself in a whole lot of pain. I turn my head slightly trying to ignore the assault on my skull and see Peter sitting beside me staring at me worriedly. I try to sit up but instantly pain shoots through every part of my body. Peter carefully pushes me back down making sure not to add to my pain. "Don't get up, you'll just hurt yourself more"

"Peter, what happened?"

"What do you remember?" 

"I was in the forest collecting food and I saw a bear. I think I went to shoot it but I missed. It must have moved. It started chasing me but I tripped. I thought I was going to die so I screamed hoping someone would hear me" everything was blurred but I was sure I could just make out Papa, another guy, and three women. They were going to kill the bear and "then the shadow came. I assume it killed the bear" but I had already passed.

"Yeah the shadow killed the bear and I brought you back to camp to heal you. You're completely fine now but you'll be in a lot of pain for a while" I nod my head

"How long was I out?"

"Probably a day or two in none Neverland time. But you did wake up a few times. You woke up screaming and woke all the boys twice through the night and after that, I stayed up to calm you down"


"It's alright love, I don't care what it takes, I would do anything for you"

"I love you"

"I love you too always and forever"

Dreamshade lay there wanting to say something but not wanting to right now. Peter had been acting different recently and she wanted to know why, she would be asking him soon.

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