Chapter 1

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"Come here you bitch" my dad grabs my wrist.

I try pulling away he slaps me even harder

"STOP!" I yell

He pushes me on the ground and unbuckles his pants.

"HELP ME!!" I yell at the top of my lungs he starts pulling off my clothes i try stopping him I am too weak

"LISTEN YOU DO WHAT I SAY!" He says choking me against the wall

Cameron walks in the door with my charger he borrowed he runs up and punches my dad in the face i run to up stairs to grab a bag i packed when i was planning to run away

My dad fights back

"CAMERON" I yell he runs out the door picking me up bridal style and carrying me to his car tears streaming down both of our faces him wiping my face

"Ava what happened in there?" He asks me laying me in the back seat

"My dad had always abused me since i was a little girl i say wiping my tears away voice cracking

"Why didn't you tell anybody" he says

"I guess because I am scared he will kill me" I tell him

My phone starts ringing the caller ID pops up its my dad i put him on speaker

"Aye little slut i wasn't done with you yet come back and if you don't your little boyfriend gets it" he says

Ava's POV

Cameron is not my boyfriend he is my best friend even though i have feelings for him but whatever.

"Cameron just take me back i don't want you getting hurt" i say crying again


"Bu-" i stutter

"But nothing I don't want an angel like you living with a devil" he tells me

"Where will we stay?" I asks

"At the hotel with the guys" he says

" I don't care what they think of you Ill talk to Bart as well" he says parking at the hotel. We get out the car I am nervous the guys don't even know Im coming.

Cameron takes my hand and we walk up to the room he opens the door all the boys eyes glue on me

"Hey Ava!" Aaron runs up to me and gives me a warm hug out of all the guys Aaron is nicest to me I met him last summer

"Ava what are you doing here" Nash very concerned

"Cameron you know we cant have girls in the room" Carter says

"You don't say that when Maggie comes " cameron answers with a little sass

"Who are you?" Matthew asks

"Im Ava cams best friend" I reply

"Well nice to meet you Ava your pretty"

"Not really but thanks" I mumble

He hugs me tight

"Ava would you like to eat"Cam asks

"Of course" i say the guys join we go to chipotle and we get our food and sit down at a table

"So Ava whats your story"Matt asks

"What story?" I say

"Your life story" he replies

"Well my mom died when I was four but my dad" I pause

"What about your dad?!" They asks interested

"He abuses me and rapes me and I have nobody but Cam to protect me cam walked in while my dad was trying to rape me and saved my life I just really miss my mom I just hate my life to be honest" I finish tears streaming down my face

"Thats so sad Ava we will all be here for you" Aaron says

"Yea" they all say in unison

After we finish eating we head back to the hotel I am just glad the guys understand my story.

"Okay guys me and Ava are going to get some sleep" cam says with his arm wrapped around me

"Night Ava and Cam" the guys say me and Cam walk to his room I get my pajamas to take a shower

"Your beautiful Ava remember that" he says

"Thanks cameron" I love him so much

Once I get out the shower Cam is on his phone in the bed

"Come cuddle with me princess" patting the bed

I cuddle up next to him

"Thanks Cameron for everything I wouldn't be here without you" I say with my head rested on his shoulder

"Anything for you Ava" he kisses my temple and we fall sound asleep.

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