Chapter 10: Hotel Room

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Seborga didn't stop staring out the car window the entire ride from the airport. The Italian was nervous, but he couldn't show it.

When he and his brothers got the email from Canada, the three of them were curious as to why the micronations were invited. They didn't question it, however. After all, it was Canada! How harmless could he be?

So, they accepted the invitation and booked their flight to the North American country's place as soon as they were able to. Of course, Seborga and Veneziano were debating on who should get the window seat going and coming back. In the end, Veneziano ended up winning, and Seborga had to wait until they came back to look through the glass on the plane.

However, once they landed, two cabs pulled up to meet them. One had a young lady with red hair and deep, brown eyes. Originally, the trio thought all three of them would be riding with her.

"Sorry, but I've been ordered to only drive Italy Romano and Italy Veneziano," she told them.

The three brothers exchanged a look with one another before Romano stepped closer to her. "And what about our fratellino?" he asked.

The lady smiled at them. "Another driver, my friend over there, was designated to take him to a separate hotel."

"What!?" the oldest Vargas brother cried. "No! No way am I gonna-"

"Lovi, calm down," Seborga sighed. "I'm sure there's a good explanation for this, right bella?"

The lady nodded. "Yes. Mr. Williams has assigned the younger siblings of his primary guests to a hotel away from the main building. Security protocol and all that."

"Security?" Veneziano asked.

The lady shrugged. "I don't know anything about it, sirs. I'm just trying to do my job."

"Fair enough," Romano sighed. "Alright, Seb. Call us as soon as you check in, alright? Then we can schedule lunch for tomorrow."

Seborga nodded. "Okay, fratello. I'll be careful."

Before the youngest brother took off towards the other awaiting cab driver, he could faintly hear Romano mutter, "You better be..."

Now here he was, sitting in a cab with a strange man without his brothers nearby, and he had no clue what was going on. Canada never mentioned separating the micronations from the others. Then again, no world meeting ever invited their group. Maybe it was to ensure Sealand wouldn't pester the other countries like he normally does? Surely that had to explain it.

Anyway, at the moment Seborga was still enjoying his view of Canada until the car came to a halt. He looked over at the driver instinctively as the man turned to him.

"Alright, this is your stop," he said. "Ride's already been paid for as usual."

Seborga hummed. "Grazie, senore!" he chirped.

"Need help unloading anything, kid?" the man asked.

"Nope! Thank you for the offer, though!"

With that, Seborga jumped out of the taxi and took his belongings from the trunk with him. He waved goodbye to the driver before heading inside the hotel.

It wasn't a very fancy place, but it certainly looked cozy. A purple, plush carpet was beneath his feet as a small chandelier hung from the ceiling. The walls were a beautiful salmon color, and in the middle beyond the small, revolving doors was the front desk and its clerk.

The Italian approached the lady in her blue uniform with the classic Vargas brother smile.

"Ciao, bella. I have a room booked for the week?"

"Of course, sir. May I have your name?" she asked as she typed away on her computer.

"Sebastian Vargas!" he exclaimed. "And yours?~"

The lady rolled her eyes with a smile. Mr. Williams did warn he was the flirtatious type, but there was no harm in letting him express himself. She continued to type away until she found the guest and his room.

"Alright. I've checked you in, sir," she announced to him. "You'll be staying in 3B. Your roommate already has the key and is waiting inside."

"Grazie, bella! Have a wonderful rest of your evening!"

"You too, sir."

The two parted ways after that, and Seborga happily made his way to his room. The hotel was large enough for the micronations to have individual rooms, so it didn't make sense as to why he had a roommate. He didn't mind it though. He only wondered why it was the case, and who he would be staying with.

"I hope it's Hutt," he whispered to himself. "Or Sealand. Maybe Kugel? They're pretty mellow if you ask me."

Eventually, Seborga made it to the third floor and searched the hallway until he found his room. For some reason, he just...stood there.

Perhaps it was the anxiety that came with rooming with someone in another country. Perhaps it was just the strange feeling in his stomach. Either way, something was telling him to be wary of the room. But what could possibly be wrong with it? Canada was a safe place as far as he knew. There were no immediate signs of danger, so why was he hesitating for so long?

Seborga shook the unease away, taking a deep breath as he stared at the door once more. This time, his eyes held a determination within them. He reached out, grabbing the doorknob, and twisted it as it clicked.

With a rapidly beating heart, he opened the door and stepped inside. He shut the door carefully behind him and walked over to one of the beds to place his belongings beside it.

He didn't even bother to look up and see who he was rooming with. He was too nervous, but for what? It was starting to get ridiculous for him.

"Just look at them," he scolded himself. "You know the other micronations! Why are you being such a codardo?"

Taking another deep breath, Seborga gave the best smile he could pull off and turned to greet his roommate.

"Ciao, mi amico! How are-"

A gasp escaped Seborga, his green eyes growing wide as they landed on his roommate. That brown, silky hair. Those olive eyes that burned deep through his soul. That fair skin that felt so smooth to touch and hold and grab.

"Hey, Seb," Molossia greeted with a nervous smile. "Long time no see, huh?"




Seriously, though. Holy fucking hell it took them so long to fix it, and I swear to god if it blackscreens on me again Imma fight someone.

Anyway, onto translations!

Fratellino - little brother
Fratello - brother"
bella - beautiful
Ciao - hello
Grazie - thanks
Senore - sir
codardo - coward
mi amico - my friend

Well, see you all in the next update! It might not be soon seeing as now I've caught a cold (which freaking sucks) but hopefully I get better soon!! See ya'll later!

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