Level 5 Stage 2

350 39 15

This chapter is dedicated too LA_Baobaos because I really appreciate it when you comment and vote on my stories! Love you!

"CHAN, SEUNGMIN AND JEONGIN ARE LAYING IN THE STREET!" Felix screamed once he saw out there window.
"What?!" Chan sprinted to the window to see for himself.
"HOW?! There aren't cars here!" Jisung screamed, he had been crying ever since Hyunjin died, and it was simply just too hard that all of his friends were gone one by one.
"Calm down Jisung. We need to find Changbin." Minho had managed to turn of all his feelings, and just focused on solving the mission, so not more lifes would be lost.
"He's right. Come on." Chan whispered, it was clear that he was loosing his sanity, and that quickly.

"Let's search my bedroom first. We go two and two. I'm with Felix." Chan was breathing heavily while he talked, and it was so apparent that he was on the verge of an absolute breakdown, so nobody said anything.

Under the bed.
In the closet.
Behind the curtians.
No Changbin.

In the living room.
In the Hall.
In the kitchen.
Still no Changbin.

"Don't you have a storage room or something." Felix broke the silence.
"Yeah" Chan whispered, before leading way into the tiny storage room behind the kitchen.

As you saw on the start of the chapter, I'm gonna be shouting out people that comment and vote a lot. Only because I wanna show that I see and appreciate them even if I can't always respond to their comments!

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