Chapter 5

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After about an hour long walk they saw a huge pillar with dark energy dancing around it.

"That's it! That's the source!" The brown dog yipped.

"Well what are we waiting for let's destroy it already." Blue said eager to walk on two legs again.

Then the dark energy surrounding the pillar rapidly spread throughout the area as if it exploded.

"You shall not destroy me little whelps. Feel the wrath of my dark power!"

Suddenly the dark mist took shape in giant tentacles ready to lash out on its six targets.

"I figured it wouldn't go down without putting up a fight." Green said preparing to attack.

The first tentacle attacked tightly wrapping itself around Blue.

"H-hey let go of me you jerk!"

The dark pillar just laughed as it threw Blue at Red. With the wound from the wolf-human beast not fully healed yet,the bite mark had started oozing out blood. Red howled with pain as he and Blue collided with a medium sized rock.

"You…alright Red?" Blue asked gasping for breath after the impact.

"Yeah…I-I'm fine." Red answered trying to get up only to fall back down.

When Blue looked around he saw that everyone else was in the same state; tired, wounded, and severely too weak to fight back.

"How are we supposed to beat this thing?" Vio wondered aloud struggling to get back to a standing position.
"Hahaha foolish little insects!" The pillar laughed as the dark fog took shape into a demonic looking beast.
"You are an eyesore to me. I shall make you all disappear."

When the demonic form was getting ready to unleash the final blow, the brown stray had jumped in front of the others in a protective stance and took the hit.

"NO!" Red cried as he ran towards his fallen friend despite the increasing pain all over his body. He shook him frantically in attempt to wake him up. The fallen stray slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Red.

"Are you alright?" He asked in a quiet whimper.

"I should be asking you that! You're wounds are deeper than mine." Red said trying to fight back his tears.

"Look I promise once we turn human again, I'll find a good home for you so you can't die okay? Promise me won't die!"

The pup gave a weary smile.

"Okay I promise I won't die. I'll watch you finish this battle."

"That creep is gonna pay for what he did." Green growled finally finding the strength to stand back up.

"Let's make his last five minutes far worse than death itself." Shadow said gripping his sword.

Soon one by one everyone was slowly standing up to help Red keep his promise he made to the homeless dog.

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