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As I sat alone at my home in LA I had my photo album of Rita and I on my lap. I saw another note with 6 albums underneath. I went over to the note picking it up. My stomach dropped. The note read:
I'm sorry but I just can't do it anymore. I miss you but I feel like if we get back together we'll just fall apart again. I'm also giving you the albums you got me by you. I mean I do love them, but I don't want to hear the mans voice that broke my heart anymore. It's officially over and I'm moving on. Goodbye.
~Rita Flurry
I really need to fix things before we fall apart completely. I drove over to Rita's address. I looked through the window to see her with Benjamin Burnley. Are they just friends? I knocked on the door. I saw Ben get up coming to the door. "Tyler what are you doing here?"
"I'm here to see my wife.!!! MOVE!!!" I push past Ben racing over to Rita who as soon as she saw me curled up into a ball. "Rita?"
"Go away!"
"No. I want to apologize."
Rita scoffed. "And then you go and stab me in the fucking back again? Yeah. Not happening ever again."
"Rita please!!! I promise I'll change!!!!"
"You'll never change, Tyler. I know your tricks. You're still stuck up in your ways and only want money."
"Yeah! I want to pay for your doctors appointments and for you to get whatever you want!"
Ben walked over. "I think it's time for you to go!" He said before pulling me to the door glaring at me. "Good riddance." He slammed the door in my face. "I've never felt so betrayed." I said before walking away, not before I took a rock throwing it through the window. The glass shattered and one piece went into Rita's head making her black out. Ben grabbed the phone dialing 911. I quickly ran away as fast as I could. I didn't make it far when I heard sirens from a police car and an ambulance coming too.
The paramedic and policewoman turned to me.  "You are very disgusting." The policewomen said. "I hope you're happy you hurt my adopted daughter, asshole."
I knew that voice. "Rosa???"
"Don't Rosa me. Now put your hands behind your back. You have the right to remain silent."
"I'm sorry mrs colu-"
"Yes ma'am."

(A/N: idk whether this should be a sequel or just should have left the first story as it was. I may make this a Breaking Benjamin fanfic. Opinions?)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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