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Like I said, I would have called you, but your number got messed up! However now that I have it, we should figure out a time to talk (if you'd like).

I also hope this album doesn't take a year to be released! We're hoping our agency can get us a spot on Top of the Pops (it's a live music show that's quite popular in the UK). It would be a big break if we got on there!

I'm glad you've enjoyed the albums! Me and the boys are especially glad that you like Keep Yourself Alive, as we've released that as a single and it...did not do very well...

I'm also especially glad you like Loser in the End, as it's the song on the album I wrote and sang for! Does that sound conceited? Oh well, I'm just proud, I suppose.

Perhaps you can do some artwork for Queen at some point ;) or get us out of trouble because we are, as our manager says, "trouble waiting to happen"!

Hey, hey, if anyone in the band is a science nerd, it's Brian. He has a PhD in astrophysics. I know, lame, right? Aha!

Also, don't feel bad about the science thing. I'll be honest I didn't do amazing in university (but don't ask about my grades because I'm not telling you).

England is nice. It's home which I like and there tends to be a good music scene which is great for people like me and the boys! There was this group from Liverpool called The Beatles that were very good. Perhaps you've heard of them? (I'm joking just so you know, and I'm sure you know who they are haha!)

And so what if I was smooth talking?? It's what I do!;) especially with a cute girl like yourself.

As of right now, we've been in the studio almost everyday, recording, tweaking and arguing. I feel like we're starting to get a hang of this whole studio and recording thing! So just wait, because this album is going to be good!

I forgot to tell you, the boys and I had a bet about whether or not you'd answer my letter, and thanks to you, I won! So, thank you. I owe you.

Not much else to say now. Hope school is going well. Hope to hear from you soon!




I would like to talk to you on the phone, but time zones are a pain in the ass and I feel like I wouldn't quite know what to talk about if we did speak on the phone! Hopefully you're alright with just these letters until I do something that's worth speaking on the phone about.

I haven't heard of Top of the Pops, but that sounds fantastic! I hope you guys get to be on it (and hopefully I can find a way to watch)

How did Keep Yourself Alive not do well?? I thought it was really good! And yes, Loser in the End is very good. I didn't know you were also a good singer as well!

Brian has a PhD? Oh my, you guys make me feel like an idiot haha!!

The Beatles? Yes, I think I might have heard a few songs :P (in all seriousness, I love them & I have the same birthday as John!!)

Oh, the mention of birthdays just reminded me, when's your birthday? I'd feel bad if we were writing and I didn't say happy birthday because I didn't know.

And if it's already passed, happy belated birthday!

Your first two albums were great so I'm sure this next one will be just as great, if not better!

A bet? Seriously? How old are you again? Haha! I'm kidding. You're welcome for helping you win, I suppose. And if you insist on owing me, then maybe, should you ever be in my area again, you can sign my albums aha!

I've said it before and I'll say it again; cut it out with the smooth talking! Especially if that's just "what you do".

Because then that's not smooth talking. That's just being a flirt.

School's alright. There's only a little over three months before we have our next reading week, which will definitely be a nice relaxer!

I won't be able to be your lawyer for a long while, so don't get into too much trouble!

My life is the same old same old; school, work and home. And sometimes a bit of shopping. It's been a bit too cool out (and busy) for the beach.

Also, why do you always say you "hope" to hear from me soon? As if I don't always answer your letters! Aha!

Anyways, I'm gonna stop now since there's nothing else to say. "Hope to hear from you soon!" ;)


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