Chapter One

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It started off as a normal day. 

Ha, my days are never normal anymore. 

Since joining Talon, it's been a repetitive routine.  And joining wasn't by choice. Talon is ruthless, and when they came to me, I had a choice. Either join, or rot in jail for something I didn't do. Despite loathing them, I joined. I regret it now, rotting in jail would've been better, but what's done is done.

There's no going back now. 

I was forced immediately to leave my family, train endlessly, and forced to go on missions. Now, there was one part I didn't like about it. I didn't like any part about Talon, but this hurt me the most. 

Killing people. 

In my mind, it wasn't right to kill people aimlessly and with no notion. They were innocent, and kindhearted. 

Sometimes I even fear myself. With this... morphing power? I once thought it was a talent, something special. Now only do I realize it was a curse, and I wish I was never born with it. I always thought i'd use these powers for good, like something out of those superhero movies I used to watch. Am I a monster for killing? I don't really have a choice though, right?

I have so much innocent blood on my hands, warrants, fines. I feel guilty knowing I could have done better.

Reyes barged into the room, interrupting my reading. No one ever bothers to knock anymore, and it feels impossible to have my own privacy nowadays. Reyes had come in for his daily checkup, and I had completely forgotten. 

His fading is getting..... worse, so to speak.  It often leaves me pondering, how did Moria bring him back from death's doorstep? She knew more than me, and she should have been helping him instead of me.

Reyes spoke, his voice hoarse and raspy. Kind of like people who smoked. "(y/n), I'm here for my checkup." He snapped. He never called me by my last name, like he was supposed to. He never said 'Dr. (y/n)'. I was lost in thought, but before I could daydream anymore, he snapped.

"How long are you going to take before I die of old age?" It wasn't a question, more like he was demanding an answer. Some way to treat a comrade. I didn't want to get on his bad side, so I apologized. "Sorry, Reaper." I muttered, my commentary barely louder than a mere whisper. God, I hated this place.

I wanted to run and never turn back, but who would keep them healthy? I wouldn't be able to live with that question pestering me constantly. "If you could, please sit down. I just need to check your vitals. Maybe we'll figure out a solution to your problem." I said, trying to stay optimistic, despite my words being a complete lie. 

Had I found a cure yet? No, but hopefully soon. It'd keep Reyes off my back, for a while anyways. God, I was eager for a mission. A mission to leave this place I so called "home". 

Ok I'm sorry if this was bad guys. Most of the work is from my fam on Instagram. So, creds to McCree and the crackfam consisting of:


hashi_moma (my bae <3)


and shim.a.d.a.m.a.d.a

See y'all in the next chapter! Love you b00's!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2019 ⏰

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