n i n e t y

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It was a usual Saturday evening, whole group at Jack and Ivana's house having dinner and watching a movie. But this Saturday was not the same for Zach and Daniel because this was the night that they were going to tell all of their friends about their relationship and they were quite nervous.

Zach had walked back into the kitchen with Daniel following behind.

"We need to tell them now before they start the movie." Zach said to Daniel putting a dish in the sink.

"Ok let's go but your doing all of the talking."

They walked back into the living room Daniel behind Zach, gathering everyone's attention.

"We have something to tell you guys and we know it's different we are both still getting used to it but it works and we are both enjoying ourselves." Zach said as everyone sat up and started listening.

"What is it guys." Jonah asked more interested in the conversation.

Daniel grabbed Zach's hand and intertwined their fingers.

"We are together." Daniel and Zach both breathed out, finally getting that off their chests.

"You are. I'm so happy for you guys." Ivana said getting up off the couch to hug them.

"Wait you guys don't hate us." Daniel said.

"We could never hate you guys. You are our best friends and we love you." Corbyn said as everyone joined in for a group hug.

After the group hug everyone sat back down started the movie up. Zach and Daniel sat on the love seat cuddling. "See, babe I told you they would love us no matter what." Zach told Daniel, giving him a peck on the lips before turning back to watch the movie.


A/n: I have a question

If I were to make a sequel of this book what would you guys want it to be about?

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