Meeting Symmetrical

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"Hey, Maka. Taisho-no." Tsubaki said. We looked over to our friend.

"Yeah, Tsubaki? What's up?" Maka and I asked. I smiled a bit. Horizontally cut and perfect symmetry. I LOVE symmetry.

"Have either of you seen Black*Star? I haven't seen him since we got here." She asked.

"No, actually. Have you seen Soul, by the way? We haven't seen him either." Maka added.

"What has my idiotic, asymmetrical garbage little brother gotten himself into now?" I said sarcastically.

"Haven't you heard? Black*Star and Soul Eater are fighting Lord Death's son-" I had stopped listening and bolted for the door. At this point, I should probably explain some stuff or whatever. My name is Taisho-no Eater. My name means 'symmetrical' so-technically- my name means "Symmetrical Eater". Which is true, I've got a problem with symmetry. I always wake up at 4:00 AM. I check to make sure my hair is perfectly symmetrical and it takes one hour to do when it's not symmetrical. At 5:00, I make Maka, Soul and I some SYMMETRICAL breakfast which takes one hour. Blair makes her own. At 6: 00 I wake up Maka and Blair so they can get ready. Blair takes 15 minutes to eat and get dressed (she tries to flirt with me and fails). Maka takes 15 as well. When Maka's dressed and fed, she wakes up Soul at 6:45. It takes Soul and I 15 minutes to eat and get dressed. At 7:00, we're off to school- Death's Weapon Meister Academy. Always on time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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