Snow White x Star Wars

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                             beautiful, even in death, that the Ewoks could not find it in their hearts to bury her.....

.....they fashioned a coffin of glass and gold, and kept eternal vigil by her side.....

.....the Smuggler, who had searched far and wide, heard of the sleeping Rebel Princess, who slept in the glass coffin.....

The Ewoks had gathered around Leia, flowers in hand, not ready to let her go. She was in an eternal slumber and would need wake up. The Ewoks understood that. One by one, they placed flowers around her glass coffin. Wicket placed his flowers in Leia's cold hands. They all stepped back and knelt down in respect. The Rebels had heard of Leia's misfortune and came as well. Her brother Luke, took this the hardest. He couldn't be near the scene without crying. Many of the Rebels tried to calm him down and make him feel better, but failed.
"Where's Han?" he asked himself. Luke tried once more to come up to his sister's death bed, and made it to her side without running away crying. He knelt down on both knees and cried. The Ewoks and rebels gave him his space. The Rebels began leaving, one by one. After for what felt like staying there for hours, Luke left. The Ewoks had stayed the whole time, not leaving Leia. When Luke left, a dark shadow had blocked the pathway. A tall man began walking toward the coffin. Wicket turned around, ready to attack. He lowered his staff when he realized it was Han. Wicket signaled to the other Ewoks to make way for Han. They moved in lines of two, making room for Han to get to the sleeping Leia. As Han got close to the coffin, his heart raced more. He knelt down next to coffin, but not before kissing Leia very lightly on the lips. He hung his head, not losing his composure. Leia's eyes fluttered open! She awoke and stretched out yawning. Wicket was the first to notice and began celebrating. The other Ewoks saw and started to dance. Han looked up and saw the love of his life awake and smiling. He sprang up and picked up Leia. He spun her around and kissed her. Han continued to carry Leia all the way to the Falcon, as the Ewoks danced all around the reunited couple. They both returned to the Rebels and everyone lived Happily Ever After. The End.

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