Chapter 1: Nightmares of the Past

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"The Yin/Yang Chakram, a weapon only select few could handle. It is said that when Gabrielle died, Xena and Gabrielle's spirits were intertwined within the Chakram, waiting to be released again. Throughout time, trusted people and Gods hid this Chakram. For when the time comes, a descendant of Xena's will hold the Chakram, and Xena and Gabrielle will be reborn again. Both Xena and Gabrielle will be reincarnated as their descendants, and their true selves will also be reunited. And once finding the Chakram, they shall emerge again to fight for the greater good in a new world."


Opening Scene:

Laying in her bed, 21-year-old Jessie Pappas-Decker's head moves side to side as she tries not to dream. The raven haired beauty whimpers as her mind cast a scene of a past that she is haunted by. In the downstairs family room of the spacious Decker home, a young Jessie, 5, and her two older sisters Sydney, 7 and Beth , 9 are hiding in the walk-in closet peeking out of a cracked open door at the fearful sight.

Their mother Zara Pappas-Decker, is being held at gunpoint by a dark figure. "Where is it!" the female voice say angrily. "Listen, I have no clue what you're talking about, but if you want money, I can give it to you!" Zara says nervously. "Just please don't shoot, I hate guns!" The dark figure walks around her, "I know you have it! Its been in your family for generations!" The raven haired Zara gets a angry look on her face. "I told you, I have no clue what you're talking about!" The shadowy female figure cocks the gun and points it to Zara's head. "Either you give it to me or your girls will be without a mother!" A scared look comes across Zara's face. "Leave my girls alone! They are innocent!" Zara says in a scared yet angry tone of voice. The shadowy figure laughs like a maniac into Zara's ear and says in a evil voice, "Maybe if I kill one of your daughters, then you'll give it to me!" Sydney tries to open the door, but Beth pulls her back, forcing Sydneys curly, light brown bangs to fall in her face. "Stay here!" Beth whispers as a strand of brown hair falls in front of her.

An angered look comes across Zara's face and she elbows the intruder in the stomach and then back kicks the gun out of her hand. The three young girls watch in horror as a fight starts between the two female adults!! Little Jessie hugs Beth as the two woman fight. Beth and Sydney go to the corner of the closet while Jessie looks thru the crack of the door. Suddenly the dark figure pulls out a knife and when Zara wasn't looking, the woman stabs Zara in the stomach! A look of pain and fear comes across Zara's face as she kneels to the ground. She looks at the knife in her stomach, the blood oozing out of her stomach and then back up at the shadowy figure. And as she falls to the ground Jessie awakes from her nightmare!!

"NO!!" Jessie yells in horror and anger. She looks around her room gasping for air, wiping sweat from her for head. She runs into the bathroom, turns on the faucet and splashes cold water on her face. As she grabs a towel and dries her face. Jessie looks into the mirror with horror and anger. Her long raven hair falls past her shoulder and her deep blue eyes stares helplessly at herself!! "Why am I having this dream again!!" she says angrily. "Why!" She clinches her fists wanting to smash the mirror, but she makes her fist stop before smashing it. She then takes a deep breath and walks back into her room, sits on her bed and glances at her phone sitting on her night stand and sees that it's 6am. " I have to go workout. I need to calm down." She takes a deep breath and goes into her bathroom.


About 30 minutes later Jessie is in the workout room of the sprawling Decker home. She is wearing a sports bra, black yoga pants and sneakers. Her hair is in a ponytail and she is wearing boxing gloves. With determination in her face, she easily hits the large bag, sending it flying midway up. Her toned abs and arms flex with each punch as she concentrates on her workout. Her older sisters, Sydney and Beth Pappas-Decker walk in and stair at Jessie with worried looks on their faces. Sydney, now 23, still has the curly, light brown hair, but the curls are more looser. Beth, now 25, sports brown/blonde highlights. Both are dressed in sweats and sneakers.

Chakram RebornOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant